New deviants, New acquaintances

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Your eyes shot open, meeting the eyes of a small group of androids looking down at you.

"She-she's awake?" 

"Is Connor also awake?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Ralph, your friend is awake!"

Murmurs echoed from the small room you resided as you sat up, rather stiffly.

"Hey, not so fast. We're still fixin' you up." An android, who appeared to be female, hushed you back down.

You looked around, noticing that you were in an open space, with varying symbols all around.

"Are we at Jericho?" You asked, shivering when you felt hands pull out a bio-component from your left arm. 

"No, not yet, hon. We found you when we heard loud cries from Ralph. The poor guy was sobbing! Luckily our group has me to help around if some dumba- someone gets hurt." She snickered, rummaging through her bag for a bio-component.

She'd hate to admit it, but even if she was the leader of the group, she didn't know what she'd do without the help of her comrades. Like having a leader but no followers, useless. Or like having flowers but no bees to pollinate them. Or, uh, like having a knife but no butter to spread it on your toast. (haha look at me with these dumb uh, comparisons?)

You shifted your stare to the ceiling.

Ralph...He cried? We barely met, how could he already have an emotional attachment to us?  You started thinking: How much trauma had this deviant gone through? His odd attachment to having a family, his childish behaviour, his usage of first-person pronouns - or lack thereof- was quite bizarre. 

Your heart thumped in your chest, and your mouth twitched. It was like your face was forcing itself to frown.

"And Connor? How- how is he?" You almost stuttered when referring to him with male pronouns rather than calling him an 'it'. 

"He's quite alright, we only had to give him a dosage of Thirium. You took most of the impact, girl!" She cheered, letting you sit up as she finished patching up your arm. 

She took a Thirium pouch that sat next to her bag, giving it to you. "Here you go, love."

"Thank you..uh..-"


Your eyes widened, 


Now that you thought about it, they shared many characteristics.

They both had dark skin, black, curly hair and hazel eyes with almost a yellowish tint to them.

Yet they were so different. She wore a uniform, much like the one you wore when you were at Cyberlife. She still had her led on, but it was flickering on and off, much as a deviants led would.

Her software was unstable.

"Amanda..?" You repeated, tensing up. 

"Yeah, I know, love." She replied, further perplexing you. 

Before you could utter another word, a voice called out for Amanda. "He's awake and patched up, Amanda!" 

"Coming! C'mon hon, let's go see your boyfriend." She smiled, holding out a hand for you to take. A small blue hue tinted your cheeks, but you cleared your throat and brushed it away.

Soon enough, you loomed over Connor, watching the last of his bruises fade back to his usual light skin, leaving no trace of them ever being there.


You swallowed, your synthetic heart seemingly sinking into a deep void in your stomach. Perhaps you were nervous, or perhaps you were relieved. Either way, this was not normal. Not for an android.

You wanted to go back to Hank. You wished you had gone with Connor's idea to just go to the Stratford Tower. You didn't want to get caught up in this mess. 

But you had to follow the rules.

He begrudgingly stood up, receiving help from the deviant that was treating him. 

He glanced at you, his eyebrows furrowing.

You heard a pair of footsteps behind you and turning around, you saw Ralph and another android, probably comforting the poor soul. 

Ralph gasped, running over to you and Connor, enveloping the both of you in a big hug.

"Ralph missed you. Ralph was really worried." He stated, his voice shaky. 

You hugged back, a huge discomfort settling in your body. You felt so confused. 

He released both of you from his death grip, seeing him wipe a few tears from his cheeks.

"Alright, now that we're all settled, why don't we introduce ourselves?" Amanda asked, a gentle smile plastered on her face.

"My name is Lawrence!" He was the android who was tending to Connor's wounds. He's a ginger male who was relatively tall. He wore a red jacket and black jeans with dark brown boots. Freckles dotted his reddened cheeks. 

"I'm Charlotte, nice to meet ch'ya!" Interestingly enough, like Amanda, Charlotte spoke in an accent much different to the standard neutral accent most androids spoke in. Her long, braided brown hair reached the middle of her back and her side-swept bangs just barely covered her eyebrows. She wore the housekeeper android standard uniform covered by a torn, brown cloak. 

"And I'm Amanda." As expected, Connor was taken aback, probably noticing the uncanny resemblance that both Amanda's seemed to hold. 

You looked at him, wanting to speak, but only a knowing glance would suffice.

"And I suppose you must already know our names?" You asked, earning a few nods from the friendly group of deviants.

"Now, coming back to the subject of Jericho, we are getting close. I have been keeping close contact with a few friends I have over at Jericho." Lawrence smiled, showing the palm of his hand to reveal the next location we had to head over to progress our search for Jericho.

"See this? This should be our second to last location. Then, we'll be free." Lawrence grinned, as Amanda and Charlotte looked at us, smiling at the thought of finally being free.

"Right. That's...through that room?" Connor pointed to another room next to ours, leading to an outside area. A wall with two windows and a wooden door was the only thing keeping us from making another step on our journey to Jericho.

"Yeah, spot on, shortie!" Charlotte laughed, resting a hand on his shoulder. She was barely a few centimetres taller than him, but hey, that's still something considering Connor's height.

"Let's go, friends! Ralph is very excited to go to Jericho. I want to see my new home!" Ralph beamed, lighting up the mood for everyone.

Amanda opened the wooden door, a gust of crisp, cold hair hitting your face.

"Shall we?"


Hey! Sort of upset that this was only a character introduction thing, but it was fun to write? Anyways. Please, please, please give me some constructive criticism for my story so far! After this book, I am probably going to make a few other x reader books because I really want to make my writing better until I make an actual original story on this website. 

Also, feel free to give me your opinion on the story so far? be as harsh as you want haha, I won't bite. 

Connor x Female Android!reader.      Oblivious Partners.Where stories live. Discover now