Chapter 2.

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Kishinuma's POV

    The way Shinozaki looks at Satoshi makes me sick. I know she likes him, but why? He just completely ignores her when she tries make a move on him. Can't she take a hint? Back in heavenly host, who saved her life back there?! Me that's who. Not Satoshi.

    My leg healed after some time so I could walk pretty well. I saw Shinozaki starting at Satoshi again, I like her, but can't she tell? I groaned and noticed she started crying again. I quickly paced towards her locker and she pushed me away. I was puzzled, did I anger her?

    "Go away Kishinuma-kun!" She screamed and I asked, "What's wrong?" then she kept pushing me away. "GO AWAY!" she screamed and I grew worried. "Shinozaki please-" She was pretty mad and kept yelling in public, I saw as people started to notice.

        What was wrong, why was she pushing me away like this? "Shinozaki-"

    "Just go away! And leave me alone! Be more like Mochida and listen for once!" She yelled out some more. Then I snapped, tired of her obsession of Satoshi.

    "Mochida? So that's what's this is all about. Mochida this and Mochida that! Mochida, Mochida, and Mochida!! I'm the one who cared for you when you cried, I'm the one who saved your life from getting hit by that car! And I was the one who helped you out when we were stuck in that hell hole! The only one you wanted to rescue was Satoshi himself!"

    "What are you saying?! That I only care for Mochida? I care about my friends too Kishinuma-kun, unlike some people!" And then she glared at me.

    "Your just like everyone else! Treat me by how I look and by my reputation. I don't know why I even cared for you!" I said loudly, and then she got mad.

    "Then why do you keep caring then?!? I HATE YOU SO NOW YOU CAN STOP!" She screamed.

    "I can't stop because I LOVE YOU!! And if you hate me then so fine! If you wanted me out of your life you could have just said it anyway, sorry for being such a nuisance Shinozaki.." She gasped and her face quickly changed and softened, but I walked away from her before she could say anything.

    The words, "I HATE YOU!" were echoing in my head. I groaned and it took a toll on my heart. Every time the words echoed in my brain it felt like getting my heart ripped out in each time. I walked out of the school and saw a tree nearby. I paced towards it and I leaned onto the oak tree outside, and just stayed there.


    I was tired of Kishinuma Kun always trying to make me feel better, but I went too far. When I screamed I hate you, hurt covered his whole face. Then he said that he loved me.. Oh no I have to apologize!

    "Sorry for being such a nuisance.." I heard him say and I opened my mouth to say something, but he had already left.

    Oh my gosh. What have I done?! I hurt the guy who actually loved me and never treated me like a normal friend like Mochida! I quickly ran outside the school and saw him leaning on a tree.

    I looked over to him and he quickly spotted me. His face looked so full of hurt, he sighed and walked away from the tree. I quickly ran towards him, but he quickly noticed and stopped walking.

    "I'm leaving you alone all right? Isn't that what you wanted? You've already said enough Shinozaki.."

    He began walking away, but then I opened my mouth to say something, I quickly shut it since I have no idea what to say to him. I can't say I don't feel the same way, that'll break him!

    I sighed and walked away into the other direction.

1 Week Later

    Kishinuma has been avoiding me all week. And during this week I felt so alone and insecure.. since Mochida has spent most of his time with Nakashima.

    Then today I heard Kishinuma-kun talking to Mochida. "Hey, you needed to tell me something?" Mochida asked.

    "Yeah, It's important."

    "Well then don't leave me hangin!" Mochida exclaimed.

    " I'm moving, and I'll be going to another school."

    Suddenly my heart broke.

    "What!?! Are you serious!? We've been in Kisaragi Academy for so long.."

    "Yeah, but I just can't taken it anymore, heavenly host, and all that, it's just too hard... Also, please take care if Shinozaki for me. She doesn't like to be alone."


    What?! I can't allow this to happen!! Oh gosh this is all my fault, the charm, yelling at Kishinuma-kun, he loved me and all I ever did was spat hurtful things at him. He was always there when I cried, and saved me when I was about to die..

    "I'm moving in the next 2 weeks. At least we have time." Kishinuma said as Mochida kind of sniffled.

    "Please don't tell me you're crying." 

    "It's just that you're my best friend, and you're leaving all of us, even after what happened, you were a part of all of that.." Mochida trailed off.

    "It seems like they don't even exist.. We're the only ones that know they exist Mochida, everyone just thinks we're crazy just trying to explain it to them." 

    "Just don't leave Yoshiki, we'll miss you." Mochida pleaded, but he's already made up his mind about leaving. Tears started flowing and I ran off the other direction. I don't like him that way! I don't like Kishinuma like the way I like Mochida.. Oh god please tell me what to do.. I can't lose my best friend.

    I can't lose the person I care most.

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