Chapter 15.

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OK BEFORE YOU READ THIS, IT MAY CONFUSE YOU A BIT, So yeah in this chapter I put hints of Satoshi having some interest in Ayumi, but this is STILL a Ayushiki fanfic. Alright? Also we have a special guest in this chapter! AND HER NAME STARTS WITH AN S. :D!!!

Shinozaki's POV

    I stared at the window not talking to anyone else, and they begged for attention. "Ayumi! Please answer us!" Mayu pleaded worriedly shaking me. What's the point in listening anymore? I've lost Yoshiki, and there's no use in living anymore..

    "What's the point.." I mumbled and she let go. "Are you serious?! THIS is NOT the Ayumi I know, the real Ayumi would be determined to stop this from happening all over again. And avenge Kishinuma Kun."

    A huge emptiness appeared inside me as I heard her say his name. He's gone.. and before all this I treated him like nothing, but crap. If only I treated him the way he treated me, with love..

    I turned away from her again trying to hide my face, knowing it'd be covered in tears. "Shinozaki, I know it's hard knowing you don't have Yoshiki, but at least you got me! I mean all of us!" Mochida exclaimed smiling.

    How could I ever even love this jerk?! How could I have been blind for so long? Yoshiki was always there for me, and I never noticed it until for only a week.. Now he's gone and I never treated Yoshiki like he treated me, and it was all because of Mochida.

    I turned to look at with and stared at him with a glare. He seemed to notice and quickly backed away. "Sorry.." He mumbled and walked off.

    "Yeah you better be.." I said under my breath and stepped away from the window.

Yoshiki's POV

    I saw Ms. Yui take Ayumi away and I was glad, but I also wasn't glad because I'm pretty sure I was about to die. I saw the hammer falling down and nearly impacted with my head. I gasped and closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come and end.

    It felt like a long time for it happen, so I opened my eyes slowly and 2 feet were placed in front of me. I opened my eyes some more and looked up at who was standing in front of me.

    "Hello! You could at least say thank you! But also, sorry I came so late, this girl gotta eat ya know!" She exclaimed and I gasped.

    "Thank you?"

    "Your welcome!" She smiled and ended it with a hehe.

    "It's like everyone's getting killed all over again! But it sure is tiring, oh and also, hows my Naomi? Has Mochida been taking care of her, cause man she was literally putting herself down back in that macabre school!"

Shinozaki's POV

    We were in one of the parking spaces to the Karaoke bar, hopefully this won't be the first place Sachiko would check. Everyone was still in the car with me, well except Mochida because he was inside the bar getting take out.

    I sighed and stared out the window. Then when I looked at the store I went to, to get the paper doll, I saw two figures. It looked like me and Yoshiki, that same conversation we had before heavenly host, and I asked if he knew the Fortunate, Sachiko-San..

    I breathed in a shaky breath heavily and sighed with same shaky breath. Someone put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. I turned around to see Mayu with a worried look. "Ayumi, are you alright?"

    I drew in the same breath again and choked out, "No, I'm not alright." I started to close my eyes and pretended I was alone. But I didn't want to be alone, I need Yoshiki with me.. It's not fair!

    I ended yelling the last part out loud and Mochida asked, "What's not fair?" He just came back from getting some take out. "How I treated Yoshiki like shit! Just don't talk to me alright?" I replied harshly and he flinched. "Oh, sorry.."

    "You better be." I mumbled staring out the window again. I saw 3 children running towards the car and I instantly knew who they were. "Yuki! Tokiko! Ryou!" I exclaimed and opened my car door. They all ran to us breathless and shaking,

    "What's wrong?" I quickly asked and Yuki answered, "Sachiko. Was. Chasing, us. Get away now, she's coming." She breathed most of it out and my eyes widened. "Get in the car!" I exclaimed and I threw them all in. I closed the door and stayed out the car.

    I went to where Mochida was and I screamed, "Go away as far as you can!" and he was confused. "Aren't you going to get in the car?"

    "No, I'm staying, I'm going to finish this, it's me she wants." I said with determination. "No! I'm not leaving without you Shinozaki! I mean we're not leaving without you!" He said changing what he originally said. Weird..

    "Just go!" I screamed and he had a determined look. "Get in the car first!"

    "No! Just leave and go! JUST GO!" I screamed nearly slapping him. He looked at me with pleading eyes and then sighed. "Fine.."

    He pulled away from one of the parking spaces and drove away. While I turned around to face Sachiko. She smirked at me and said, "Yoshikazu!" with a sing song voice.

    I turned around, but something large and hard hit me and I blacked out. Or died.

Mochida's POV

    "Why are we leaving Shinozaki behind?" Morishige asked. I stared straight forward and answered, "She wanted to stay behind."

    "But where are we going?" The little girl known as Yuki asked. I sighed and replied, "I don't know, but Shinozaki told me to go as far as I can.." I can't believe I told her I'm not leaving without her, do- do I like her?

    I was thinking while driving until I heard some honking. "Satoshi look out!" Naomi exclaimed and I I nearly crashed into a car. "Woah!" I exclaimed making a quick right. That was close.

    "You weren't even looking at the road Satsohi, we almost crashed and died!" She exclaimed and I sighed. Can she at least be as nice as Shinozaki?

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