Chapter 13.

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Shinozaki's POV

    I felt an uneasy feeling as I woke up. And when I did I saw myself inside a classroom with Yoshiki, Sensei and everyone else. I gasped and quickly sat up from the floor. "Thank God your alright!" Yoshiki gasped as he quickly pulled me in for a hug.

    I was confused, why were we here? I looked over Yoshiki's shoulder and saw everyone talking. "It's not safe in the school, you know that, we have to find somewhere else!" Nakashima exclaimed and Mochida shook his head.

    "Where else?! This is the only place we could think of to find!" Ms. Yui shushed them both and said, "Shush children, calm down. This is a ridiculous argument to even argue about. We're pretty safe here alright?" 

    I pulled away from Yoshiki's hug and tried to stand up. "Be careful." He quickly said and I replied, "You should be careful too. Your wounds aren't fully healed yet."

    "Who are you?" Miki asked Ms. Yui. Ms. Yui kind of flinched and said, "I'm on of the teachers at this school. Don't you remember me Miki?"

    "No. I don't know you. I don't see you here though." Miki replied shrugging and Ms. Yui's face went pale white. "Yo- You don't remember me?"

    "No. I don't."

    "Ms. Yui," I started and she looked at me with a shocked expression. "Why doesn't one of my favorite students remember me?! We spend so much time together! An- and she doesn't even remember me!!" She exclaimed and I continued. "It's because you died in Heavenly Host, once you die there, your forgotten by everyone here, but us.."

    "Are you saying that no one here will remember me?! Just you 4 children?! An- and not Miki?!" She yelled and dropped to the floor.

    I sighed and Nakashima quickly came to Ms. Yui. "It's OK, Sensei, you still have us. You still have all of us.."

    She sniffled and sighed. "Thank you Nakashima.." 

    "I'm sorry lady, but I have no idea who you are. Sorry again for making you cry I guess.." Miki said quietly. "We have to find out how to stop Sachiko, we know how to appease her spirit right? So that means we can-"

    "We can what Ayumi?! We already gave her body part back and her stupid stuffed cat! Where are they now?! Back at that hell hole?! If we have to go back to that wretched place, then you can count me OUT!" Nakashima screamed at me and I stiffened. 

    "Don't you care about what's going to happen if we don't prevent this?! How could you be so selfish?! How could you think about yourself and not about the others!?" I snapped and she huffed.

    "I do care Ayumi, I'm just not sure you don't.. your the reason of all this. You caused THIS. BECAUSE OF YOU SEIKO IS GONE!!"

    "YOU THINK I DIDN'T KNOW THAT?! I GOT IT  FROM NAHO'S WEBSITE, HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW IT COULD HAVE CAUSED ALL THIS!!!" I retorted and stepped forward. "WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER YOU IDIOT!" She screamed and I quickly stepped forward again and Yoshiki held me back and Mochida held Naomi back.

    "You two stop arguing! This is ridiculous! We've already stopped this and we can do it again. Naomi calm down because this is no time to be pointing fingers. Ayumi didn't know this was going to happen, so you better shut the fuck up and suck it up because it's called life!" Yoshiki snapped at her. Naomi quickly became silent after that.

    "I think you went a little too harsh Yoshiki.." Mochida said and Yoshiki replied, "No, I'd say I went TOO soft. She doesn't have the right to scream at Ayumi, she didn't know this would happen so theres no point in screaming at people when it only does nothing." 

    Mochida opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it as to obey the invisible commands Yoshiki demanded. Same with Naomi, except he kind of yelled at her. I nearly burst to tears when Nakashima said all that stuff. But before I did Yoshiki pulled me in for another hug.

     I started bawling into his shirt and he calmed he down. "Shh, shh, it's alright Ayumi, she just doesn't understand.."

    He always knew the right words to how to make me feel better. I pulled away and sniffled once more. "Excuse me Yoshiki, I- I need to go to the bathroom.."

    "Take your time." He answered and I smiled at him. I walked out of the classroom and towards the girls bathrooms down the hall. I walked in and made it to the sink. How was I going to stop Sachiko this time? How?! I pulled on my hair in frustration and held in the scream I wanted to scream loud every where and ricochet of the walls.

    I held in my tears and the only sound that came out was the strain of trying not to cry. "Aww, Ayumi, I thought you were stronger than this. Please don't cry.." I quickly went pale and went stiff. That voice.. It's so familiar.. no it couldn't be..

    "Wh- Who's there?!" I asked, not turning around still, since the bathroom mirror could help determine who's voice this was.

    "Don't you remember me? You and your scary stories, I remember those good old times.." Now I knew who this was.. an- and she's alive.. "You- Your alive!!" I exclaimed. She laughed softly and stopped to reply once again..

    "Oh, of course I am silly! And don't mind me for asking, but have you seen Shige-nii any where? I have been looking every where for him. That boy sure knows how to hide!"



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