Chapter 10.

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Shinozaki's POV

    I struggled in this guy's arms as he asked me the most absurd question ever. "Wheres my YUKA!" He yelled as he threw me onto the ground. I coughed and crawled away from him. He closed in even more and pulled on my hair.

    "Where is my little sister?" He asked and I growled in disgust. "She's not your little sister! She's Mochida's!" I screamed and he threw me onto the ground again. I looked at him more clearly, I barely remembered his name, but I think it was Kizami Yuuya?

    "You know where she is, and your going to tell me.." He growled and I turned away from him. I crawled away from him until I backed away onto a corner.

    "Unless you want to live, I suggest you tell me where my little Yuka is, and if you don't, I'll make sure you'll have the most painful death you'll ever have." I spat at him and said, "I'll never tell you! Your just as sick as Sachiko!"

    "Hehe ehehe he." He began laughing and I looked at him like he was crazy, maybe because he was crazy. "Your crazy!"

    "Wheres YUKA!" He screamed away and punched me in the face. I gasped in pain and hit the wall. He walked towards me and put both hands on my neck. I gasped again and this time it was for breath. I needed air! He started choking me and I couldn't breathe!

    I tried taking his hands off me, but that didn't work. He was too strong, I tried kicking him, but he still held on. "HEHEH EHEHE!" He laughed as my eyes began to roll to the back of my head, but someone screamed, "LET GO OF HER!" and suddenly Kizami was off of me.

    I started coughing breathing heavily for air and looked for my savior. I stared in disbelief at who I saw. "Se- Sensei!!!" I exclaimed in happiness. She was right here.. in front of me..

Kishinuma's POV

    Did I just hear what I heard Ayumi say? She said she loved me.. I still stared at the door in disbelief along with Satoshi and Nakashima.

    "Did Ayumi say, she loves you?!" Satoshi asked in puzzlement. I smirked at him and replied, "Yeah, I guess she did."

    "Wow, I never knew she felt that way about you Kishinuma Kun." Nakashima said quietly and I was still smiling. "You jealous Satoshi?"

    He jumped out of his seat and exclaimed, "What! No I'm not jealous!" I smiled some more and replied, "Then why did you literally jump out of your seat?"

    "Because.. Because.." He started and I started laughing. "You like her Satoshi?"

    "Yes I like her. As a friend." He said and I chuckled. "Suree."

    "So, Sachiko's here?" Nakashima asked and I was automatically serious. "Yes, she was here. She attacked me the other day and that's why I'm in the hospital."

    "Damn it! If only she could just leave us ALONE!" Nakashima screamed. "She's already taken Seiko from me, what more does she want?!"

    Satoshi and I just stared at her as she began to cry. Satoshi quickly came to her and comforted her until she stopped crying her eyes out. I sighed and waited patiently for Ayumi. I hope she doesn't run into Sachiko, I can't afford to lose her again..

    I stared out the window wondering where she could be, looking for that girl Yuki I guess. How did Sachiko get here, might as well get my answers from Ayumi, she must know more about this. 

    Everything was completely silent except for the whimpering of Nakashima.

Shinozaki's POV

    "SENSEI!" I screamed and I ran to her. I ran to her and hugged her as tight as I could. I began crying and said, "Se- Sensei.. Your- Your alive." I choked out and she shushed me. "It's Ok Ayumi, I'm here, I'm here."

    "Sensei, how did you get here?" I asked and she quickly grabbed my hand and began running out of the alley way. "What-"

    "We have to get out of here, that boy isn't going to stay down any longer. Where are the others?" She asked and I replied, "They're at the hospital-"

    "Hospital?! What happened?!"

    "Sachiko, a spirit tried to kill Yoshiki." I said while we were still running. "But how did you get here?!"

    "I don't know. But what I do know is that it wasn't difficult getting here. It was really easy." Oh my gosh, is it that easy?!

    "The hospital is down the sidewalk, keep running until I say stop Ms. Yui!" I yelled while we were still running. She nodded and ran down the sidewalk with me for about 30 minutes until we finally made it to the hospital.

    We walked inside and found a nearby elevator. When we approached it we saw Kizami behind the glass doors and we repeatedly pressed the up button numerous times and when it did open Kizami came in the room. We pressed the 4th floor button repeatedly because he was running towards the elevator.

    Me and Ms. Yui held onto each other as the elevator doors finally closed before he came in. We both sighed in relief. We heard some banging on the elevator doors at first, but then they stopped.

    We waited paitently in the elevator until I asked, "Are you still a ghost?"

    "I don't think so, I feel my body warmth and I can feel.. So no I guess.."

    "Wait, so does that mean your alive?!" I asked with happiness rising in my voice. "As I'll ever be."

    I hugged her again feeling happy. If she's alive and well, that means the others can be too! Suzumoto, Morishige, Shinohara.. maybe this isn't so bad after all. But what about the other spirits. The bad ones.. The ones who want to harm people for fun. Oh god.

    When the elevator doors opened we quickly stepped outside and literally ran to Yoshiki's room. When we barged in, everyone looked at us with bulging eyes. "Your still alive!" Yoshiki exclaimed and I ran to his bed and hugged him again.

    But Mochida's and Nakashima's eyes were still laid on Ms. Yui.

    Ms. Yui smiled at them and said, "Hello kids, nice to see you again."

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