Chapter 16.

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Shinozaki's POV

    My arms and legs hurt. Everything hurt! When I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything, I can't move! I panicked and someone removed what was on my eyes. a blind fold.. I thought as I scouted the room. I gasped as I saw my sister Hinoe tied to the wall.

    "Hinoe!" I yelled and someone stabbed me in the leg. I gasped in pain and wriggled in the spot I was on.

    "Hehehehe." Laughter could be heard and standing in front of me was Sachiko.. Her eyes with filled with excitement, and she was giggling under her breath. Is- is she going to kill me?

    She slowly backed away and backed to the wall. Right next to Hinoe. Thoughts of what she might do to Hinoe popped into my head. I shook in fear and choked out, "Please don't hurt her."

    She giggled some more and stabbed Hinoe near the stomach area and Hinoe was startled awake. "AHHH!!" She screamed as blood started pouring out of her. I shrieked and yelled, "STOP! PLEASE!"

    "Ayumi?!" Hinoe exclaimed while bleeding intensely.

    Sachiko was giggling even louder now and tears started streaming down my face. "STOP IT PLEASE!! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! TAKE ME! Please!" I screamed while choking on my sobs.

    Sachiko was enjoying my torment. Her crazy demented laughter echoed through the room with only one light. We must be deep under the ground. If only Yoshiki was here.. he could save us.. or save me.

Kishinuma's POV

    I was too shocked to even say one word. "Shi- Shinohara?! How'd you get here?!"

    "It was real easy silly. With just a thought I was here. All I had to do was think of Naomi and I was here in an instant! Just. LIke. That!" She exclaimed.

    "Do you know where Naomi is?" She asked and I slowly shook my head no. She sighed and sat on the floor beside me. "Well come on! Lets go look for them already!" She snatched my hand and ran out the back exit.

    "Did you see which direction they all ran off to?" She asked and I slowly nodded. "Yeah, I think they went that way-"

    "THEN LETS GO!" She screamed while running towards the direction I pointed out. Man I forgot how she was like. I thought while she was literally dragging me along.

    "Do you have a phone?" Shinohara asked and I took it out, then replied, "Yeah, but why-"

    She snatched the phone and dialed a number. 

Naomi's POV

    While Satoshi was driving we nearly crashed into another car. I was so high tempered when I yelled at him, maybe that wasn't such a good idea, he was pretty silent for most of the ride.

    My phone kept ringing and ringing. I kept ignoring it for some reason. It kept ringing and ringing and for the 100th time I snatched my phone and looked who called me. It was Yoshiki and I got pretty mad for him calling me repeatedly and I yelled, "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?"

    "Naomi? You and Mochida must be pretty busy right now, eh? Because you sound mad, I must have interrupted something, special. Heheh." a familiar voice asked and I went ghostly pale. No it couldn't be..

    "Se- Seiko?! Is- Is it really yo- you?" I choked out and she squealed. "Of course! Who else could it be! Who else sounds as sexy as me, and you better save dat ass for me! :3" I blushed when she said that and replied, "I missed you so much!" I literally started crying while chatting with her on the phone.

    Everyone stared at me, even Satoshi. "SATOSHI KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!" I yelled and he flinched and quickly faced forward. I sighed and was eager to hear Seiko some more.

    "Where are you!? Seiko are you with Yoshiki?" I asked and she made a mhm on the phone.

    "I'm with Yoshiki alright, he let me use his phone-"

    "You snatched it from my hand!" Someone exclaimed in the background.

    "Oh shush you, sorry Kishinuma was interrupting me. So where are you guys?" Seiko asked and I wish I could answer her question, because I had no idea where we were.

    "I wish I could answer that, I had no idea where we are."


    I turned around to Satoshi and asked, "Do you know where we are?" he looked around and answered, "Yeah, I think I do, near that Sushi shop-"

    "We're near the Sushi shop, hurry and get over here Seiko!" I exclaimed into the phone and she replied a mhm! I sighed and slumped in my seat. "Park near the Sushi shop, we're meeting up with Kishinuma Kun and Seiko."

    "YOSHIKI? SHINOHARA?! ALIVE?!" He exclaimed and I yelled, "HURRY AND GOO!!" He floored it without a doubt.

Shinozaki's POV

    I quickly panicked as soon as she stabbed her. I moved in my spot helplessly hoping i'd escape soon enough to rescue my sister. "Sachiko PLEASE! STOP IT! PLEASE!!" 

    I screamed hopelessly. Sachiko twisted the dagger in the flesh wound and forced it in even deeper inside Hinoe. Hinoe shrieked and struggled in the ropes. Sachiko growled and said, "Yoshikazu, this one is moving too much, get a hold of her!" She had demanded Yoshikazu to hold Hinoe down and when he did, Sachiko went back to stabbing Hinoe.

    "STOP IT! I'M BEGGING YOU!!" I screamed out and they paid no attention to me. Except Sachiko, she was enjoying Hinoe's and my torment. Oh god please stop this, I can't stand it anymore!! Why, why is this happening to me? I've already lost Yoshiki, please not my sister.

    I started weeping as my sister's screams echoed in the dark barely lit room.

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