Chapter 7.

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Shinozaki's POV

    I quickly ran back to the booth with Yuki and noticed Yoshiki wasn't there. I started panicking and saw a note on the table. I snatched it right up and read it.

    Hey, gotta help a little girl find her mom, looks strangely familiar. Oh well, I'll be back as soon as I can. - Love Yoshiki

    "Oh my gosh, that could be Sachiko!" I gasped and ran out of the Karaoke bar. "Ayumi wait-" Yuki started, but I ran outside and searched for Yoshiki everywhere. "YOSHIKI! KISHINUMA KUN!" I screamed and people started looking at me with worried looks.

    I ran past an alley way and noticed someone on the floor as I ran past it. I slowed down my steps back back tracked back to the alley way. "Yoshiki.."

    He was faced down and in a pool of blood. "Oh my gosh.." I said a I covered my mouth with my hands. "KISHINUMA KUN!" I screamed and ran to him. I shook him as much as I could, but he still didn't move.

    He wasn't moving at all, oh my god! Please wake up! Wake up! I already lost too much people! Please don't leave me!!! 

    He coughed up blood and groaned. That sent relief to my heart. Thank you god..

    I turned his body around and saw his wounds. They looked like familiar stab wounds.. "Sachiko." I whispered and I slowly turned around to see Sachiko with her bloody scissors in hand. I gasped and surprisingly Yoshiki screamed, "Ayumi, RUN!!"

    "NO! I won't leave you Yoshiki.." I said as I held him tighter, and while Sachiko closed in on me. Tears flowed and I started crying.

    Sachiko started giggling and then started laughing all crazy. I looked at her with a pained face and I was automatically angry. "How, Why- Why would you do this?! DO YOU EVEN CARE?!"

    She kept laughing and laughing while I was crying out. "How would your mother think of this?! Do you even think of her at all, but yourself Sachiko?!!"

    She stopped laughing and started screaming. I gasped in shock and she faded away. I stared with widened eyes and noticed Yoshiki was bleeding large amounts of blood.

    "Oh my god, hang on!" I said as I took off his jacket. I wrapped it around his stomach area where it was bleeding the most. I lifted him up as best as I could and took him out of the alley way. "Someone call an ambulance, PLEASE!"

    People automatically started calling the ambulance or the police and I laid Yoshiki on a nearby bench. "Please don't leave me! Hang on Yoshiki, it's going to be alright.." I cried and I heard some sirens rushing their way here. Oh thank god..

Kishinuma's POV

    I felt pain in my abdominal area and it ached badly. I groaned and saw Ayumi's beautiful face hovered above me. "Ay- Ayumi?" I choked out and she started crying. 

    "Your, alive. Yo- Your alive.." She choked out and held me on a bench? I think a bench. I weakly put my hand up to push a lock of hair behind her ear and she started crying even more.

    "Don't worry, the ambulance is here, your going to be ok, it's going to be ok.." then she suddenly grew quiet. Everyone and everything faded into black until I couldn't see anything. Where was I? Am I unconscious? I felt numb all over, but I felt bumpiness. I opened my eyes slowly and saw myself in some kind of ambulance truck? 

    Ayumi was holding my hand and her eyes were all puffy from crying. What's wrong? Did something happen? I smiled weakly at her and she started crying again. The truck abruptly came to a stop and people snatched me out of the ambulance truck and carried me into the hospital on a stretcher.

    Everything kept fading to black and coming back to normal. I must have been blinking. Ayumi was right by my side and I saw myself being rushed into a room. After that I just blacked out and heard voices.

    "We're losing him! We're losing him!!" Someone screamed out and I was confused. Losing who?

    "Clear!" Someone yelled and I felt a shock through me. Woah, that felt weird. "CLEAR!" Someone screamed and suddenly a flatline..

    "YOSHIKI!!!!!!" Someone screamed. Ayumi? Where is she? I want to see Ayumi! I tried to look for her, but everywhere was black. But one person was in the darkness with me..

    "Heheehe." Sachiko giggled as she looked at me with crazy eyes. Then my eyes flashed right open. Every where was a blinding bright light.

    It was so bright it hurt my eyes. Every thing adjusted a little, but it was still pretty bright. I looked around and saw Ayumi. "Ayumi!" I exclaimed, but she was in a deep sleep. She was sleeping on me while sitting in a chair. I smiled and stroked her hair. She smiled in her sleep sending happiness through me.

    When I looked around I also noticed more people in the room. Mochida, Nakashima, Yuka, Miki, they all came for me.. but they were all sleeping. Pain shot up from inside me and I gasped. I moved the blankets off me and I had bandages wrapped around me, and they were kind of blood stained.

    What happened? I decided to ask when they were all awake, especially Ayumi. I wanted her to get her rest. I held her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. I held it tight and waited for everyone to wake up.

    I remembered Sachiko back in the city.. how is she here?



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