Chapter 19.

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OH MY GOD EVERYONE, IM SORRY TO DO THIS, BUT ONE PERSON DIES. GUESS WHO IT IS, TnT! <- That's suppose to look like crying and stuff, Enjoy the chapter!

Shinozaki's POV

    I kept silent while Hinoe's wheezy breaths echoed around the room. I felt like this enormous hole was forming inside me. I've already lost Yoshiki, I don't need to lost my sister! I can't lose those close to me..

    I took in a shaky deep breath and a shaky breath out. I looked back up at Hinoe and she was still alive. I was grateful for that, but not for the pain she must be experiencing right now. 

    An awful thought came to my head. I believed it so much. I had to, it was completely true..

    It's all your fault! A yell echoed in my head and I looked back down, stared at the floor, then started sobbing again.

    I put everyone through all this hell, why couldn't I have noticed this sooner?! Sachiko should have taken me! Sachiko should have left all the others alone. It's all my fault, I should be dead, not my friends, they've risked so much and all I ever did was give them nothing.. I'm so sorry Yoshiki.

    I'm sorry that I never noticed you sooner, I'm sorry for not liking you the way you liked me back, I'm sorry for acting like a total bitch around you, I'm so, so sorry..

    He loved me so much, he risked his life many times for me, he nearly died for me! And you know what I did? NOTHING! That's all I've ever done, except put him through hell.

    My crush on Mochida must have been terrible for him, him liking me, and watching me loving someone else. I can't believe I did that, I'm such a terrible friend..

    In my deep thought I was instantly snapped out of it due to Hinoe's coughing of blood. I started taking fast breaths, I asked, "Hinoe? Are you alright?!?!" 

    She smiled weakly at me and choked out more blood. "Ye- yes. I- I'm fine.." She trailed off, slipping away..

    "Hinoe, please. Please don't leave me alone. Please, Hinoe I need you, I- I'm having trouble right now, Please don't leave me, please.." I choked out interrupting my sobs. I started sobbing uncontrollably and my sister tried to shush me, she failed and ended up retching blood.

    She was slipping away, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I tried to move, but that failed. The ropes were tied hard, just moving or struggling caused it to hold on to me tighter.

    During my sobs Hinoe kept coughing, and coughing out blood and it echoed through the whole room, along with my sobs. Her breathing slowed down and I knew what that meant.. How I wished, I never existed..

Kishinuma's POV

    When I opened my eyes, I felt my back ache. I opened them slowly for precautions, wouldn't want anyone murderous knowing I'm awake.

    I noticed there were more bodies sprawled across the ground. I gasped at them. At first I thought they were corpses, but when my vision cleared, I could see who they were.

    It was everyone else! I could tell they were all alive, they were breathing and pretty much knocked out unconscious. I quickly stood up from the stale floor boards and shook the nearest person.

    "Satoshi! Wake up, we're here! It's heavenly host! WAKE UP!" I yelled out the last part and he gasped awake. "Where are we.." He mumbled rubbing his head.

    "Heavenly Host. Go wake everyone up, we have to find Ayumi." He nodded and got up. The first person he shook awake was Nakashima.

    When she woke up she had her head in her knees. "We're here.." She mumbled quietly, Shinohara seemed awake already, she started comforting Nakashima. After that Morishige was awaken by Suzumoto and Ms. Yui.

    Everyone was awake, except Yuki, who seemed asleep.

    I walked over to her and shook her slightly. She slowly opened her eyes, sat up and looked at me. "We're here."

    I nodded and helped her up. When everyone was awake this time, they all looked to me as if I was the leader.

    "OK, everyone listen up! I'm not happy to say this, but we have to split up, it's our only chance of finding Ayumi sooner. Everyone will meet up at classroom 1-A, got it?" I spoke loudly and everyone seemed nervous, they nodded anyways.

    "OK, Shinohara, you will go with Nakashima. Morishige, you stay with Suzumoto. Ms. Yui you stay with me and Yuki. Satoshi, go with your sister." I ordered, everyone did as I told and went in pairs. Except Ms. Yui, me and Yuki were in a trio with her.

    "Everyone split up!" I yelled and they all nodded courageously. Everyone walked out of classroom 1-A and ran in different directions. Hopefully it won't be like last time. Where everyone was in a same place, but couldn't even see each other.

    We walked away, but the sounds of running footsteps quickly came to a stop. An abrupt stop at the same time. And I knew what that meant. We were in different planes again.

    I sighed in annoyance and moved on anyway. Yuki tugged on my shirt I turned to her. "Where do you think Ayumi is?"

    "Honestly, I don't have the slightest clue where she is. I was wondering if you knew. You know the place here right?"

    She nodded and we spotted the infirmary. "She could be in there.." Ms. Yui said quietly and we hesitated before stepping in.

    When we slid the doors open, nothing was in here. When I say nothing I mean no one. It was just the original furniture like the last time we were here. I was helping Ayumi dry up after the pool incident.. She called me a peeping tom and pushed me out of the way,

    I nearly smiled at the thought, but the next was remembering that she was in danger. I quickly frowned and checked the whole room with Ms. Yui and Yuki.

    "She's not here." Yuki said sadly. I groaned and Ms. Yui did the same. We walked out of the infirmary with failure.

Shinozaki's POV

    I concentrated on the ropes tied against me. I couldn't really feel my hands, but I had guesses to where they were. I need to help Hinoe, she was dying and I was running out of time! When I looked at Hinoe, she looked ghostly pale.. I panicked and tried harder, but it was no use..

    I was scared stiff, I didn't know what to do, thoughts and questions were racing in my head. My heart was beating faster, but in the bad way.

    As I panicked I looked around the room for a solution. I quickly spotted the bloody scissors Sachiko had left on the ground. If only I could reach them..

    It was my only solution, I groaned and tried moving with all my strength. My leg twitched and I finally sighed in relief. I tried moving my leg and it slowly made it's way to the pair of scissors.

    My shoes touched the scissors and I concentrated even harder. I quickly threw my leg back to me and the scissors slid it's way on the ground towards me. It laid in front of me, and I tried hard turning around to reach for them.

    With my hands tied, I could feel the coldness of the scissor's blades. I grabbed them, not knowing if I cut my self or not. I used them to cut the ropes on my hands, I tried my hardest, and I could hear the sound of rope getting cut in half.

    My hands were quickly in my face... I was free.. I quickly tried to untie the rope of my legs, it was tangled so I had to use the scissors. I cut the ropes on my legs and I could feel again. I could feel my legs, my hands, everything! I sighed in great relief.

    When I looked back at Hinoe, I gasped. I stood up, staggering my way towards her. I checked her eye, and it looked pretty bad.. her stomach area wasn't looking too good either.

    "Hinoe! Wake up! Come on Hinoe!!" I shook her as hard as I could, but there was no reply. Her one eye that wasn't cut out was open, but there was no life in it. A feeling of dread grew inside me.


    There was no answer and I checked for a pulse. I checked for everything. She wasn't breathing, moving, or anything. I panicked even more and started shaking on the spot. "HINOE!!!" I screamed and shook her lifeless body.

    She was dead.

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