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I had been living in L.A. for a while. There was so much to see even if you've been there your entire life. Nothing stayed the same. Even the people. One day they could be hippies on the street smoking their kush and playing their worn out guitar and the next they're an international rock star. I go to college here. I wanna be a flm maker. I always loved carrying my camera with me everywhere and filming everything i see. I make mini movies and post them on YouTube. The only place i was able to since i was 14. I wouldn't say i'm internet famous but few tens of thousand subscribers could count. I've heard of these young people putting videos of themselves on YouTube but i've never been into that. Now at 21 years old and in my last year of college i have made 20 mini movies, become the film maker/director/producer of our college news channel, and co-directed a major motion picture. And that isn't even the beginning of my crazy life.

City Lights (an O2L fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora