Chapter 13 - Conversation with Ricky

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain tapping on my window. I felt a little sluggish so I stayed in my position and grabbed my phone to check the time.

"9:14." I mumbled to myself.

"See ya Ricky." "Bye Ricky!" was what I heard.

I guess the guys left. Good I was too mad to talk to them. I stood up out of my bed and went to face Ricky in the kitchen. He was frying up some eggs and bacon. Was this boy making me breakfast?

"Love the hair Char." Ricky chuckled.

Looking at my reflection in the window I realized I looked like sasquatch. My hair was sticking up in every direction and was knotted like you wouldn't believe. I groaned and sat down.

"Want some breakfast?" Ricky asked.

I popped my head up from where it was in my arms and nodded. Ricky just laughed. After about 5 minutes of silence he placed a plate in front of me.

"Hey miss grumpy pants, you got to talk about what happened last night." He said non-chalantly.

I groaned. "They were acting so immature."

"Char, they aren't the only ones acting immature." He responded.

I gave him a death glare.

"I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Yea they might have been acting rudely about Cody but you got to see it from their side. They have a bad vibe about him. We all do. None of us trust him. But you need to not mope about it. You need to be straight with everyone. If you are sticking with this man you got to tell us. Just so we can watch out for you." Ricky says as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Why do you need to watch out for me. I can take care of myself." I bit into a slice of bacon.

"Honey, you live in a house of 4 boys. You don't have a choice.

I let out a small laugh. He was right. I can't keep moping about this.

"Thanks Ricky." I smiled and we finished up our breakfast. 

Ricky washed the dishes and he said he'd take me out of the house for a little bit. So I went ahead and got cleaned up. I showered and washed my hair. I felt I had to coming from how it looked this morning.   After that I put on a tank top, black hoodie, jeans, and a pair of vans. I threw on my glasses because I didn't feel like putting in my contacts. I grabbed my bag and went to the living room.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." Ricks said astonished at the sight.

"Yea I usually wear contacts, I just didn't feel like putting them in." I shrugged my shoulders.

We got in Ricky's Kia Soul and headed out.

We made our way to Target to pick up some groceries and get coffee at Starbucks.

"Hey maybe we'll see Alex from Target while we're there." I joke

"If only!" Ricky exagerated. 

We got there and i ran inside. I raced Ricky to Starbucks and rewarded myself with a Peppermint Mocha. We went down the isles as i stuck things in the cart secretively. 

"Char, omg i'm not made of money." He said as he caught me.

"Bruh, you're internet famous. I'm not even film famous yet. I think you have money." 

"Okay sassy sally."

I punched him in the arm. We turned the corner and we saw the guys. 

"Oh hey guys!" I said a little awkwardly. I hung my head out of fear of Connor mostly.'

"Hey Char," He came up to me and grabbed my upper arm. "I just want to say i'm sorry for how I acted last night."

I looked up and he was realy close to me. It was hard to look at him in the eyes without our noses touching. "It's uh, it's okay, i guess."

He slid his hand down my arm and let go. He backed up a little. I finally looked up and and into Connor's green eyes. He lightly smiled at me. I smiled back at him and laughed a little. he came up to me and hugged me, he spun me a little and laughed even harder. I realized, now more than ever, Connor is perfect. I think i may actually like him.

City Lights (an O2L fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora