Chapter 5 - Eviction

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes, bacon, and oranfe juice. I stretch my arms out remembering i'm at the boys house. I quickly grab the blanket and cover myself knowing I was most likely exposed from the way I sleep. I fix myself underneath the blanket and the throw it off of me. Thank God Kian's shirt was long enough to cover myself. I start walking over to the kitchen, just to see Kian.

"Well you're up early." I say finger brushing my hair back. I sat down at the table with an empty plate and a full glass of orange juice in front if me.

"Well someone has to make the boys breakfast when they've got a hangover." he said flipping over a pancake and then putting it on the mountain of finished pancakes. The smell of buttermilk filled the air.

I saw connor walking down the stairs in his boxers. He was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and then rubbing his hair back. It took him a while to realize I was sitting there. He slumped down into one of the chairs on the table. Finally he looked up and saw me with that cute face of his.

"Oh hey Char, didn't know you spent the night. Wait is that Kian's shirt?" He looked a little concerned.

"I slept on the couch he gave it to me to sleep in. Don't freak." I laughed a little.

He kind of smiled and looked down. What a cutie.

"Oh hey 'Char Da Bomb'" I heard Ricky say as he walked downstairs in superman boxers.

"Ricky...if you are my friend, promise me you will never ever say that again." I pleaded.

"No promises." He says back at me.

"You are so weird." I grumble

From up stairs we all hear...


"What the hell?" I say.

We see JC on the top of the stairs in plaid boxers, I swear what is it with these boys walking around in boxers? JC is holding up a dog singing the Lion King intro.

"Don't torture Wishbone like that!" Kian scolded him.

JC ran down the stairs laughing.

Kian came and put breakfast down on the table. Everyone started piling in when Kian stopped them.

"Hey! Ladies first." He says gesturing to me.

"Thank you." I said in a lady like manner.

I piled on 4 pancakes, 3 strips of bacon and smothered my pancakes in peanut buttered. I got myself a glass of orange juice and a glass of water.

"Well geez 'Miss Lady'". Connor joked.

"Yea, 'Mr. She is sooooo beautiful'!!" I exagerated while looking in the sky and clasping my hands together. Kian broke out in laughter.

"The light shines perfectly on her face!" Kian mocked.

Kian and I were laughing so loud at this momen while JC, Ricky, and Connor looked so confused.

"Do you really not remember last night?" I asked them

And in unison they all shook their heads in the 'no' motion.

"All 3 of you were totally hitting on Char last night while you were drunk. It was hilarious!" kian said.

Connor blushed while the other two hid their faces. I though it was too cute. We all ate our breakfast talking about last night. I'm glad the other guys were able to joke about it too. That really made them look good instead of them hiding in their shame. It was already 11:00 and i had afternooon classes i had to go to.

"Hey guys i got to go soon, i have classes starting at 12:30." I told them while getting up and placing my plate and cup in their sink.

"I'll drive you down Charlotte." Connor said with a smile getting up and putting his dishes in the sink next to me.

"Sounds good!" I said grabbing my stuff in the living room.

He ran upstairs and put on a hoodies, sweatpants, and converse.

"Let's go." He said grabbing his keys out of a bowl by the front door.

We got in the car and i turned on the radio. Queen of Disaster plays and Connor and I sing along. We strted discussin our favorite artist just to discover we love the same people and music. We pulled up to my driveway.

"I'll be right out and you can take me to my car." I said walking to my door.

As i walk to my door i noticed a red paper. I got closer to it and ir read in large letters "EVICTION". I swear i could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I ran over to Connor's car and he rolled down the window. I was too upset to speak so i just gave him the paper and he took a quick glance and said

"We'l figure out something. Go inside, get dressed, i'll take you to your car and i'll go home and talk to the guys."

The fact that he said that all of them will help me ut made me smile. I'm so glad i met these boys. I ran inside, brushed my hair, put a head band on to pull my hair back, brushed my teeth, put on deodarant, perfume, and lotion, put on a maroon sweater, jeans and brown boots. I can feel fall coming soon. i grabbed my ba and headed out the door. I got into Connor's car and he hugged me because he knew i was just way too upset. To make me feel better we drove down to Starbucks and he bought me coffee. Coffee can make anyone feel better. He drove me all the way to my work so i can pick up my car. He parked and got out and opened the door for me

"Thank you so much Connor. You've been a big help." I say hugging him as i get out.

He hugs me back. "No problem. Anytime." He says with a smile putting his forehead against mine.

I started to walk away as he grabbed my wrist and spun me back around.

"By the way, what i said last night, i know i was intoxicate and sounded like an idiot, but it's true. You really are beautiful. I mean it." He said finally letting my wrist go.

I smiled and could feel my cheeks burning. I turned around and started walking back towards my car, glancing back one more time to see Connor. He had a smile on his face, hands in his pockets, and leaned up against his car. Now that is a sight to see.

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