Chapter 12 - Phi Kappa Psi

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We arrived at the Frat house wthin 20 minutes. t was easy to find the house, we were able to hear the music before we hit Greek Row. We parked far down the street due to the fact of cars parked all over the street. One guy actually parked on the front lawn. We made our way in. I kind of felt ad for the guys. It almost looked like they felt out of place as people i knew acknowledged me and came up to talk to me. I found a group of my friends that i was pretty close to. We were all film geeks. We met freshman year when we were taking out introduction to film class. We were all put in a group for a film project and clicked ever since. As i walked up and said hi, they all got excited and hugged me and typical friend stuff.

"Boys, this is Sophie, Claire, Haley, and Ben." I introduced to the boys.

"Guys, This is Connor, Ricky, Kian, and-" I said before being cut off.

"Jc!" Sophie finished.

We all kind of gave her a weird look.

"Sorry, big fan." She looked towards Jc. "Of all of you, really."

"I didn't know you were a youtube fan." I said to her.

"Yea, it's kind of a hobby i guess." She said a little shyly.

"Well it's nice to meet you!" Jc acknowledged.

"We always love to meet our fans!" Kian exclaimed.

"So how did you guys meet?" Haley asked.

"Oh they live in my neighborhood and i met them while i was on a run. And, long story short, i got evicted out of my house a while after so they let me move in until i find somewhere to stay." I said kind of nonchalantly.

"Well that's some story." Ben laughed out.

"Yea, it's kind of crazy." Connor said.

"Living in a house of 4 boys is nuts." I say as if they weren't there. I was just messing with them.

'Hey!" They all said.

We all laughed. The night went on. Some of them drank. I stayed sober. They made me be the designated driver. Connor, Ricky, and Claire only had one drink. From what i could tell by my group of wasted friends, Jc and Sophie were really hitting it off. Or they were just drunk. After about an hour into the party Cody came and found me.

"Hey! It's great to see you!" He said putting his arm around my shoulder.

Connor's smile kind of faded. That was weird. Why would he lose his adorable smile. That is his perfect accent to his appeareance. The way the corners of his eyes crinke as he lifts up the corners of his smile up. Wait what? I totally was not thinking about how cute he is. Damn it! Okay, stop.

"Hi Cody!" I said turning to him and pulling into a hug.

"What's up! Are these your roommates?" He asked nodding his head towards my friends.

"Well they are." I said dragging over Connor, Ricky, Kian, and Jc.

"This is the guy?" Jc slurrs in a dissaproving manner.

"Hey shut up." I say in a hushed tone towards Jc.

"So i think i've been mentioned eh?" He asks with a sly smile on his face.

"Just a few times." I blushed. "So this is Connor, Ricky, Kian, and Jc."

"Hey what's up." Cody greeted with a slight wave.

"Hey." They all kind of quietly said.

"Charlotte, can i talk to you for a second?" Connor awkwardly asks.

"Uhh, yea sure." I say a little bit unsure. Connor doesn't usually call me by my full name. There must be something wrong.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the group. I caught a small glimpse of Cody's face as i left and in turned from happy to anger in a matter of 5 seconds. What is up wth these two boys? Connor finds an empty bathroom and pulls me into it. It was quiet so i could hear Connor better. He closed the door and I sat on the sink.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Well you see-" he got out before the door opened with a drunk couple trying to get in. Connor shot them a dirty face. "Can you not? I'm trying to have a conversation here!" He shot at them. They gave him a dirty look back and walked away shutting the door. I've never seen him so angry before.

"Anyways," he got out. "I know this Cody guy. We used to go to the same high school, back in Minnesota. It's crazy how he ended up here. Him and I never had the best relationship per se. He's bad news, trust me."

"Connor, he seems like a sweet guy. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself." I spat back at him, getting angry with him. Why would he try to take this away from me? I jumped off the sink and started walking out. Connor followed not too far behind.

"Char, i'm trying to look out for you!" He called out.

I ignored his comment. Why was he acting like this? This isn't the Connor i know. I found my group of friends including Cody. He was talking to Claire about something. Whatever it was, it must have been funny. I come back into eye sight. I was again greeted by my friends. Cody put his arm back where it was and kissed my cheek. Well that was new. I mean, i guess he can do that. I just smiled to show Connor that i can take care of myself. I look at Connor and notice he is giving Cody a dirty look. Cody was giving him one right back. 

The rest of the night was slightly awkward. Cody and Connor barely said a word to each other, my wasted group of friends were just embarrasing, and Cody was a little too touchy feely. I felt a little weirded out but i had a point to make to Connor. At the end of the night (and by night i mean 3 am) i finally took Ricky's keys and dragged us out of the place. I hated parties. I just did. The car ride was silent except for Kian and Jc making sneer comments about Cody. I was really hoping this would be where the boys could get to know him and be friends or something. I don't even know. Ricky was the only one not saying anything about him. We got home and immediately went to my room. Not saying a word to anyone, i just stomped away.

I changed into comfortable clothes and washed my face. Soon i drifted off to sleep. I was still boiling with anger  because of the boys.

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