Chapter 9 - Dinner with the Boys

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We sang to different songs as we made our way home. I danced and i shook my head. Once or twice i cought Connor looking at me from the corner of my eye. We pulled into the side of the house because there was no room for my car in the driveway. We closed both doors and walked inside. The guys were home because their cars were all in the driveway. Connor walked into the front door first to let me in.

"Hey guys!" I called out.

"Hey Char! Hey Connor!" I heard sprawled out from the boys all over the kitchen or living room. As i walked in Connor threw my keys in the key basket by the front door. The smell of chicken flew through the air. I could hear sizzling from the kitchen and the sound of punching and acreaming in the living room.

"Die zombies! I heard Kian yell. He was probably on his Xbox. I just smiled and ignored it. I love how these guys are adults and still act like 12 year olds. Sounds like my kind of people. I softly laugh at my thoughts.

"Ricky! Are you making dinner for us?" I said acting surprised. Putting my hands on my hips and cocking my head to the side and wearing a large smile.

"Nope just up a chicken because i felt like it." He sarcastically said while walking over here to give me hug. He wrapped his arms around me and i punched his shoulder.

"Smartass." I laughed out.

"Oh hey, Char. We got you something. Close your eyes and hold out your hands." JC said walking over to me with his hands behind his back.

I closed my eyes and held out my hands. I stood starght with a smile on my face. JC placed something cold in my hands. I was a little scared to open them so i opened up one. Excited i opened up the other and squealed with joy. It was a house key. I feel so loved now.

"Thanks guys!" I still squealed hugging each of them. I realized Kian wasnt in the room. I had to hug him too. It wouldn't feel right if i didn't. With a sly smile on my face i sneaked into the living room. Kian was so focused on his game he didn't even see me come in. I jumped on his lap giving him a big hug. He flailed around surprised at my appearance. I heard 'Game Over' come from the TV.

"Uugghh Charlotte!!" He screamed angrily. He started heading towards me.

"Uh oh!" I screamed and dashed out of the living room. I ran staright up the stairs and into the room at the end of the hall. I slammed the door closed and held my back against it. I felt Kian slam his fists against the door. I moved away from the door a little shocked.

"You can't stay in there forever Char!" He screamed but i can hear him walking away and footsteps going down the stairs. I search the room to understand my surroundings. It all looked vaguely familiqar with me and suddenly t hit me like a bag of bricks. I was in Connor's room. I looked at his desk and over it had a poster that read 'Internet KIds Never Sleeep'. I live by that motto now. Next to his mac i saw a filming camera. Now i knew how to work one of these. I mean for me, this is child's play. I grab his camera and run downstairs turning it on.

"Here is the O2L house llife. Ricky making us dinner like the feminist saint he is. Kian playing zombie video games and yeling at the TV like a man watching sunday night football. JC! The biggest Teddy bear alive! And lastly Connor, a sweet, internet loving, lazy, cocky, weirdo." I say pointing the camera at each and one of them. They gave me a weird face.

"Hey!" Connor says a little insulted.

"Still love you!" I screamed running down the stairs and they starting chasing after me. I filmed them running behind me.

"As you can see in the wild house of the O2L boys they are aroused by the unexpected prey." I say in an australian accent.

"Charlotte what the hell. Put down my camera before you break it!" Connor said. He was in the lead of this 4 man chase after me. I filmed it all. Them running into stuff, them cussing at me. Suddenly. stopped. Connor snatched the camera out of my hand and stopped it from filming.

"Guys wait." I said holding my hands up. I sniffed the air. "Do you guys smell that?"

They all stop and sniff.

"THE CHICKEN!!!" We all scream. Connor put his camera down on a nearby table and we ran to the kitchen. The pan was smoking and the fire alarm went off. Ricky turned off the stove and waved his hands arounf to get rid of the smoke. Connor and JC were waving rags at the smoke alarm that was blaring in the kitchen while i ran to turn on all the fans and open all the windows. Kian threw out the chicken and started helping me out. Finally after all the commotion settled down we slumped down onto the couch. We kind of stared into space taking in the smell of burnt chicken.

"So who's up for pizza?" I ask.

"Me!" They all spoke in unison while raising their hands.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the number to the closest pizza place.

"Yea can i get 3 large pepperoni pizzas? Ohh and cheesy bread. Oh and one of those giant cookies you guys have! Okay, yup, thank you." I said. I put my phone on the table and sat there. The exhaustion finally hit me. I was so exhausted. and tired of wearing these clothes.

"Hey guys, before the pizza get's here i'm gonna change." I say walking towards my room.

I heard a chorus of 'good idea' and 'me too' behind me. I walk into my bed and lie there for about a minute. I got up and stripped out of my clothes. and pulled on a white tank top and gray sweats that were rolled down to the hip. I had to wear a black sports bra underneath. I mean hell, i'm living in a house with 4 boys i got to hide the girls. I brushed my hair out and put it in a loose side bun. I washed my face and put on fluffy socks. Right as i walked out all the guys were sitting there shirtless and in their boxers.

"Do you guys ever wear shirts? At least i wear a bra around you guys." I said sternly walking into the kitchen grabbing an apple.

"You don't have to." Kian said with a smirk.

I gave him a death glare and then chucked my apple at him.

"Ow, what the hell was that for?" He winced in pain as he clutched his stomach.

The doorbell rang. "Ooo just in time!" I skipped over to the door with a $20 in my hand.

I opened the door and saw a guy about my age at the door.

"Hello it'll be $13-Oh hey Charlotte!" The guy said.

"Oh hey Cody!" I exclaimed remembering running into him at In N Out. "Didn't know you work here."

"Yea, it's just a side job from what i really do. I'm an intern for the local news in the morning. This is actually my last shift. I gotta go home and get some rest before my net job starts."

"Oh well lemme get you home. How much was it again?" I asked.

"$13.57." He says.

I hand him the $20. "Keep the change." I tell him.

"Great. Thank you. See you in class tommorow afternoon." He says with a wink and i shut the door.

I lean my back against the door holding the pizzas. I let out a sigh.

"Mmm who was that?" Ricky said wiggling his eyebrows.

"A classmate of mine, who also works as the pizza delivery guy. Think of Zac Efron with black hair."

"ooooo" they all passed around.

The guys got up and helped carry the pizzas into the kitchens. I was still a ittle struck by Cody. He's green eyes sparkled brighter under his black hair. His hair flooped upwards but it's hard to tell with his delivery hat on. Hmm....

For the rest of the night, the boys and i dug into the delicious pizza. We watched Their videos so i could understand their internet life. I laughed at all of them. They were all so ridiculously funny. They acted the same way on the internet like they do in real life. I love these goofballs so much! 

City Lights (an O2L fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant