Chapter 11 - The Fall Party

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I park my car in front of the O2L house and and rush inside. I run in and close the door, noticing everyone is in the living room watching a moive and Ricky is in the kitchen putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I drop my keys in the key bowl by the door.

"Guess what everyone!" I say raising my hands in the air. "We're going to a party tonight!"

Kian and Jc high five each other in excitement and Ricky and Connor look at me like i just killed their chioldhood pet.

I sign dramatically and plop down on an empty space on the couch next to Connor and put my face in the crook of his neck.

"What happened?" Connor asked. I could hear a lugh coming on in his voice. He stroked my hair playfully.

I sat up straight and spoke up, "Well remember that Cody guy? Yea we talked today and he asked me if i was going to the Fall Party at my school and i wasnt thinking staright and i said yes. I regret it so much! I hate parties! That's why you guys need to come with me."

"Alright alright!" I could hear Connor laughing now.

"We got your back girlfriend!" Jc said playfully punching my shouder.

"Now when and where is this party?" Connor asked.

"It's at 8 o'clock and at the Phi Kappa Psi frat house." I say a little weary of how they would feel about a frat party.

"A frat party?!" Kian exclaimed. "Even better!"

I shot kian the 'are you kidding me' look. That kept him quiet for a few minutes.

"Well it's only 1 o'clock. You have 7 hours to prepare yourself. We're about to wath World War Z. Wanna watch it with us?" Ricky asked as he sat down with his bag of popcorn.

"Yea sure. As long as you make me a bag of popcorn." I ask with my puppy eyes.

Ricky give me his 'i give up' look and hands me his fresh new bag and walks to the kitchen to make another bag.

"You the real MVP Ricky." I yell as i shove a handful of popcorn i my mouth.

We sat down and enjoyed the movie. I was so intrigued that i sat there with my mouth hanging open. The guys laughed at me a few times so i threw popcorn at them. We all laughed and i layed my head on Connor's lap. I didn't feel like sitting properly. After the movie was over we all started talking about our days.

Kian and Jc had gone to a thrift store. Kian was telling us about all this "cool" stuff he bought. He got a weird cowboy hat, a brown curly wig, a vintage yo-yo, and a fanny pack.

"A fanny pack? Are you serious?" I shot at him.

"Hey don't judge!" He shot back.

I raised my arms in the air giving that 'fine i surrender' attitude. Jc told us that they had a funny experience in the store. Apparently this old guy yelled at Kian for stealing his fanny pack. Kian tried to nicely explain that he just bought it at the store. The old guy wasn't having it and he kept yelling at Kianand finally Kian started to argue back. A store associate had to escort the old guy out and to apologize for the incident they gave them 50% their next purchase.

Ricky had gone grocery shopping for us. He made sure to get stuff from the list i gave him. I was very excited about that. I got my snacks that no body else likes. As he was shopping he ran into Kylie Jenner. He was so excied and tried to calm himself down before he approached her. When he did they had a nice long conversation. Apparently she was a fan of O2L and they both got a picture with each other. Ricky was so jittery after that.

Connor was home alone and he was so sure that there was a ghost or an intruder in the house. When he was upstairs on Tumblr, he heard a crash coming from downstairs. He grabbed an umbrella from his closet and started heading down the stairs quietly. He saw a small art f the kitchen and noticed a plate of cookies that Jc had recently made had fallen on the floor. As he made his way around the curve of the stairs he saw Wishbone on the counter where the cookies were nawing on one.

I told them about my day. I talked about my conversations with Cody and how the news went and my other class i had that day. My day really wasn't as eventful as theirs was. After we all finished our stories i looked at the clock at it read 5:30.

"Crap it's almost 6 i should start getting ready!" I jumped up and headed to my room.

"Char, it shouldn't take you that long to get ready." Jc exclaimed.

"Speak for yourself!" I spoke loudly as i shut my door.

I got my shower started and as i wated for it to get warm i got my clothes out for the night. I grabbed dark denim jeans, a black tank top, a gray cardigan, and black boots. I ran to the shower while getting undressed. It's a skill i learned. I was at the door of my shower as my pants reached my ankles. I ripped them off almost falling. But i caught myself i ran in and quickly washed myself. I had washed my hair earlier so i really didn't have to wash it again. Thank the Lord for long, thick, brown hair. I got out and wraped myself in a towel. I washed my face because i don't remember the last time i washed it. I got to stop dong that. I got dressed in my outfit. I admired myself in the mirror for a little bit. I looked cute, what can I say? I sat down at my vanity. This is gonna be the longest part. I plugged my starightener in. My hair is so wavy, it's hard to control. So i have to straighten it. As i was waiting for it to heat up, i got my makeup done. I did a dramatic eyeshadow of dark colors such as silver, purple, and black. My eyeliner was a typical wing and my mascara was dark. Normally, i just do eye makeup. I put on a little bit of red lipstick. Finally my straightener was heated up so i went ahead and did my hair. After my hair was straightened, i pulled my sides back and put it in a small pony tail. I found a black, sparkly bow and clipped it in that pony tail. I was officially done. I grabbed my small bag and put my phone, wallet,  and keys in it. I walked out and found the boys sitting in the kitchen talking. I think it was something about their new O2L video with each other. They were all dressed up nice. It was great to see them all cleaned up.

"Hey guys, what do you think?" I asked turning around in a circle.

"Honey, you look fabulous!" Connor said flicking his wrist.

"Seriously though, you look great!" Jc said.

Ricky and Kian nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys. You guys look hot by the way. It's nice to see you dressed up every once in a while." I said with a laugh.

"Hey!" Ricky said playfully punching my shoulder.

I laughed. "Alright let's head out. Shall we my gentleman?" I asked putting my hands on my hips and faced the door.

"We shall!" They mocked me. Connor and Ricky linked arms with me while Jc and Kian linked arms on either side of Connor and Ricky.

We all then piled out the door one by one because obviously we weren't gonna fit in a straight line like that. Ricky offered to drive so we all got into his Kia Soul and headed down to the party.

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