Chapter 10 - Cody

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My alarm blared "Want You Back" by Cher Lloyd at 3:30 in the morning. I looked at my clock and groaned as loud as possible. Why should I wake up at un Godly hours in the morning? I flopped out of bed and took a shower. I decided to look cute today for no reason. I mean somedays you just have to look pretty. As i showered, i washed my hair. I brushed it upside down to give it that beach waves look. I threw on a black tank top and an off the off-the-shouder white sweater that Connor got me. I also wore black skinny jeans with black ballet flats. I threw on a little makeup too. I grabbed my camera and tripod with my bag full of scripts and directions. I have to get ready for Wednesday Morning News. I have that to do today and an acting class with Carning. Wait...isn't that the class i have with Cody? Well good thing i look good.

I grabbed my things and snuck out the house remembering my house key and leaving a note for the boys so they don't freak out. I got in my car and drove off to school. It's still mildly dark outside at 4 in the morning. The news started at 6 so i had all this extra time. I stopped at Starbucks on the way to get my daily coffee. Being up this early, i really need this. I pulled into the newsroom parking lot around 4:15. It was right next to the cafe so i stopped in there to get some breakfast. I ordered a bagel with strawberry cream chesse and got a small bowl of strawberries. I sat down and put my feet up on the chair next to me. I pulled out this book i've been reading and had some quiet time to myself. There was barely anyone in this whole cafe and it was dead silent except some quiet pop music coming from the over head speakers.

"Hey." a smooth voice said beside me.

I jumped a little at the breaking of the silence that it took me a few seconds to realize who it was that spoke.

"Oh hey Cody." I said with a small smile spreading across my face as i dropped my book on my table.

"You're here early." He said stealing one of my strawberries. I would usually smack it out of his hands but since he's cute and i'm still getting to know him i decided to let it slide.

"Yea i got to film the 6 o'clock news here." I said taking a bite of my bagel.

"That's cool. Speaking of the news i have to help out with lighting there too. I'm an expert at that apprently so i go in on accasion to help out." He said putting his feet on the chair in front of him like i had.

"Don't you just hate waking up so early? It takes forever to get ready."I said with a soft laugh at the end.

"Yea," He laughed out. "You look good though. It's nice to see you not in sweatpants all the time and your hair up."

Thinking back to every wednesday i dress like a slob because it's so early. Like i don't feel like looking good at  3 in the morning.

"Oh yea, i had a feeling i should dress nice today. I don't even know why." I said as i blushed a little at his some what of a compliment.

"Well you look good today. Do you wanna head over to the news room?" He asked standing up and offering to throw my trash away.

"Oh yea, sure." I said tossing my book in my bag and heading out the door with him.

We took a stroll over to the news room cutting across the fields. It was somewhat of a long walk but it was walkable. He mentioned he was part of a fraternity and told me funnny stories about things that have happened there.

"Sounds like a never ending party!" I said holding my gut after finishing my laugh.

"Yea it usually is." He said hanging his head down with a smile. "So what's up with those boys at your house yesterday? Are they you're boyfriends?" He asked with a quick wink.

"What? Oh! Oh my gosh no!" I rushed out of my mouth. "They're friends of mine. I got evicted out of my apartment recently so they are letting me stay with them untill i find somewhere to live."

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