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So today is THANKSGIVING the day of giving thanks not just for this delicious food I'm about to make but for it is the day that the Lord has made. So I was told as child as well as to say what you are thankful for, so with that being said I have to finish cooking thanksgiving dinner then I'm off to see my own personal doctor who just right up the street which I've been meaning to go to. I haven't seen my doctor in three months. I've also been so hungry lately. Is that's why my kitchen looking like the all you can eat buffet at the golden coral😭😭😭😭 I don't we will see and some days I be so tried and haven't barely done a thing. But anyways back to this delicious food that will be ready when our familia y amigos come. Dinner I poplock but I pretty much cooked everything like my abuela while my abuelo just go in the living room watch the football game with his side of OJ😉😉 at least that what they thought was in there but wait till you taste it. They ain't call him bounce with what you know for nothing in his days. By the way was another way the said dance in there days 😂😂. So for thanksgiving we have Turkey, Ham, Collard Greens, Yams, homemade Mashed potatoes with homemade gravy, macaroni and cheese, homemade pound cake as well as Sweet potatoes pies, cabbage, baked beans, potato salad, Ribs, yellow rice, stuffing, banana pudding, toss salad, and last but not least fruit salad for thanksgiving dinner. So after I finished  all that I went to my appointment this time. So as I get there in sign in sit down and waited for the doctor to call my name patiently. So after 15 mins I heard my name Gabriella Padilla I stood and said that's me and the nurse said follow me so we can check you height, vitals,  and weight. After all that I seen the doctor in the patient room but this wasn't a regular patient room it was where parents go to found out if they having a baby type room. So as the doctor ask me how have I been since I last been here I said very hungry and tired sometimes the doctor laughed and said do you know why I said yea I've been on the go constantly and going to the bathroom also, sometimes I skip eating so it felt like I haven't eating in days. Once more the doctor  starts 😭😭😭😭 really hard this time so I ask what's so hilarious. The doctor said that the most funny cutest story I've ever heard but no sweety that not it at all. So then I ask what is it Then? The doctor says your pregnant. So I just😭😭😭😭😭😭 with joy knowing my hubby familia y amigos are going to be just as happy as I am. So when I returned home I catch my hubby already trying to sneak him a sample I said what are you doing. He literally jump out his skin and said nothing but dear Jesus you scared me, I laughed. So he ask where have I been everyone in the dining room table waiting for you and I told him to the doctor. He ask was I okay I said yea. So after that we all talk about the old times and said, Grace n what we were thankful for and  ate dinner while watching the football game. I look a my hubby and said touch and rubbing my stomach it's been kicking you in the head a lot and he said, and  keeping me warm too. I laughed he says why you i said just keep touching and rubbing my stomach. Next he felt a kick and heart beat and whispered heyy wait a minute am I going to be a father. I smiled put on some 😎😎😎😎 and said yeeaaa. And that's what happened on THANKSGIVINGDAY


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