Here is Christmas once again

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As Christmas is approaching we are getting everything we need for Jesus's Birthday.
So as I go out and shop for the groceries my hubby comes along this time, he even open door for me as we were leaving the house and help also the same for me when getting in the car as well. I know it's sweet and adorable right. So ask he goes to get inside the car I lean over  giving him a round of 😙😙😙😙 on the lips to show my gratitude. So as we make it to the store I tell him what we need and he'll  grab it and put into the basket. Well after doing all the shopping and making our way to the cash register he looks at me with a big grin and said I can't wait to tell everyone at christmas dinner. The next day we call everyone to tell what time to come over for Christmas tomorrow. When were done call all of our amigos y familia, I get up to make us lunch and pre-prep on what to make for dinner. He comes in the kitchen wrapped his arm around way waist give me a round of 😙😙😙😙, he told me to sit down and relax honey, I said ohk honey with a huge smile on my face. As I make my way to the living room once again he helps me to the living but, this time he swept me off my feet and carried me there. Also you know he did next he turn on the tv and gave the remote as well as popping my feet up with a couple of pillows. All I could think of as he head back to the kitchen to prepare lunch is ooo I got me a sexy talent me man. Should I surprise him tonight or do something he would really enjoy. Although these thoughts were running through my mind he came over and honey here is your lunch I prepare for
you. As I look at him to grab the lunch he prepare I set it on the table and grabbed immediately close to me and start kissing him and remove his t-shirt off really fast. He look at me and says what about lunch I said, well right now you are lunch and leaned in closer because he couldnt resist no more so as he's grabbed me picking me to take me to our bedroom, he laughed and said you women with y'all pregnant hormones so I laughed and said you know you love it papi. So we skip lunch as well as dinner that night. When we woke up it was 5am Christmas morning so we both cooked Christmas dinner. After we got done cooking Christmas dinner it was about 4pm and I'll amigos y familia will be over here in an hour. So as time flies by we heard the his family knocking at the door and he had to rush in put on his clothes to answer the door. So will he answered the door everyone was looking for me and he telling them I'm taking a shower and he going to help me with getting dressed. They looked at him with a 🤔 face like why she can't dress herself but told them to listen out for the door till we get back and they said ohk. So as we return everyone was here for Christmas dinner. When they notice we entered the dinning room the was stunned by the dress I was wear and how my hair was done. So after we sat down eating Christmas dinner but before we did that we said Grace. So after dinner as we were getting ready to toast our drinks we smiled at each other and said amigos y familia we have some good news to tell you everyone stood up giving us their full attention and said were are having babies. They were so happy and excited for us plus my hubby was shocked when I said babies meaning we were having twins. He cried pick me up and kissed me in front of everyone. Plus we played couple of board games and charades before everyone went home. So yea that's how we spent our Christmas dinner.

@Destiny T Mitchell

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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