Chapter 7

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I was disappointed to wake to an empty bed. Millie might not be much of a fuck, but since I didn't give her anything in the way of foreplay, she was tight, available, and willing to do whatever I asked of her. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up, briefly wondering whether Ana might be a better recipient of my morning wood? But the quick Google search I'd done after I'd grabbed her warned me a woman's uterus needed at least a month to heal after a caesarian, else risk infection and potentially sterility. Since getting Ana pregnant was the surest way to force her to stay with me long term, I'd wait. In the meantime, I'd use Millie until Ana was available.

My lips settled into a smirk as I threw on some pants and padded downstairs. A check of Ana's door on the way across the landing showed it was still locked, and all quiet inside. Once I got downstairs, I found Millie had made breakfast from scratch. Waffles with syrup. My absolute favorite. She hardly ever made them, so I was pleased.

The television switched on as I ate; it surprised me to find the coverage of Ana and the kid's disappearance was still headline news on every channel. I'd thought, by now, their abduction would be relegated to a second or third story. Apparently not. I guess Christian fucking Grey's wife and son being missing was big news all over the country. Flicking from one station another, the only change was with each day Grey's increasingly despondent look. He didn't need to say he was heartbroken. It showed in every look. I grinned, relishing in his despair, taking particular delight in the fact he had no idea who had his precious family!

CNN the only network with fresh information, they'd sourced security footage from the corridor outside Ana's room at the Seattle Grace. The little they showed was so blurry Millie and I were both unrecognizable. I'd noted the cameras that night and had taken care to keep my eyes down and face lowered. Needlessly, it turned out. All that could be discerned was a man in an orderly's uniform accompanied by a female in a nurse's garb. The footage was so blurred, we literally could be anyone.

Millie distracted my enjoyment by asking inane questions. I swear that woman couldn't shut the hell up! I told her to fuck off and do something useful, so she went upstairs, leaving me to enjoy the latest images of Grey losing his shit.

 I swear that woman couldn't shut  the hell up! I told her to fuck off and do something useful, so she went  upstairs, leaving me to enjoy the latest images of Grey losing his  shit

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Millie had been gone ages, so I went upstairs to see where she was. I didn't like her spending too much time with Ana. Mrs. Grey was far too clever for her own good; I didn't want to give her the opportunity to get under Millie's skin or sell her some sob story. Little Millie Ilyard knew better than to disobey me, but it was prudent to limit their time together.

She wasn't in her old bedroom, or the one she and I shared, and Ana's room was locked with the key in the lock's outside, so she wasn't in there, either. The door to the attic was open, so I guessed she must be upstairs. I climbed the stairs coming into a fully finished attic. Like everything in the Ilyard's house it was neat, clean and old. I can't remember ever coming up here when I'd lived here. If I had it hadn't made enough of an impression for a memory to stay with me.

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