Chapter 35

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It was different heading into GEH with Elliot. Instead of the usual quiet ride with Taylor, Elliot kept up a steady stream of chatter.

"Morning Andrea," I greeted on the way through to my office. "Can you get Elliot and me a coffee, please? Then in twenty minutes, I'd like the feasibility team for Grey Constructions Manufacturing in meeting room two."

"Certainly, Mr. Grey. Good morning Elliot."

"Andrea," Elliot greeted with none of his usual flirting. That was new.

Inside my office Elliot sunk into a chair opposite my desk, looking around, his eyes lingering on the glider on my desk and the framed family photos. There was a photo of Ana and me, another of Mom, Dad, Elliot, Mia and me on the lawn at Bellevue and several photos of Ana and Teddy. His inspection of that complete, he looked over to the corner where Teddy's top of the line bouncer and toys sat, unapologetically declaring me a Dad.

"You love being a father, don't you?" Elliot asked.

"It's the best thing I've ever done," I agreed with a grin.

"It's changed you. Actually, I think it's Ana who's changed you."

I lifted my eyebrow.

"It's like she's brought out all the best parts of you."

"I think that's how marriage is supposed to be," I replied. "You've heard the saying; don't marry the person you can live with, marry the one you can't live without. Have you decided how you're going to approach things with Kate?"

"She's asked for a couple of weeks space, and I'll do that. After that I thought I'd start by texting her. Nothing heavy – just funny things from my day. That way I'll make sure she knows I'm still thinking of her."

"And then?"

"Well if she's receptive, I thought I might fly over to see her? Do the whole hearts and flowers thing."

"If you're sure," I remarked silently wondering whether it was worth it. Whether Kate was worth it.

"I am."

After Elliot left, I was trying to work my way through my endless mountain of emails, but I was distracted

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After Elliot left, I was trying to work my way through my endless mountain of emails, but I was distracted. I kept thinking about what I'd said to Elliot – that becoming a parent was the best thing I'd ever done. My eyes kept straying to a photo of Ana holding Teddy not long after he was born. Before Jack and Millie abducted them. Ana was looking at Teddy with such obvious love, it made me wonder whether there was ever a moment like that between Ella and me.

"Andrea? What do I have on for the rest of the day?"

"A meeting about the San Diego project at two, and Ros has booked out an hour with you after that."

"Ok. That's fine. Can you call Neil Horsham at Brilliant Bayside Blooms and order a couple of dozen red roses to be delivered to Ana at Escala? Also a colorful bouquet to be sent to my mother at Bellevue. I'll also need an appointment with Flynn around 4.30. And can you send Welch in?"

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