Chapter 23

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"Do you think these shorts and shirt will look good on Teddy?" Ana asked, holding up a tiny pair of cargo shorts and a miniature checked short-sleeved shirt. "He can wear the shirt open with a plain onesie underneath? And this hat. If we go for a walk, I want his skin protected..."

I thought our son would look handsome as hell no matter what he wore, and I told Ana that.

"I just want to look like a normal young family," she explained. She'd fretted over every aspect of today's trip to Olympia to visit her father and meet Diane. After a bit of back and forth, taking into consideration Teddy's sleep schedule, Ray and Ana had settled on brunch at 10:30 in Olympia on Saturday morning. We'd meet Ray and Diane at the Dockside Bistro, eat and then maybe go for a walk along the dock with Teddy in the pram.

Ana dressing Teddy in her outfit of choice, I slipped into my clothing; lightweight jeans, chucks and a loose short-sleeved linen shirt. Classic casual. Ana had selected what I was to wear, and while it was more relaxed than I'd usually dress, if it made Ana happy then I was good with it. My wife looked nothing short of delectable in a cute summer sundress, light cardigan and low wedges. Perfect for a low key Saturday brunch with family. I had to adjust myself as I watched Ana pull her long hair up into a loose bun, adding a lick of mascara and some lip gloss. Her plump breasts looked amazing in that dress, and even though Ana had 'massaged' me again last night, I was desperate to bury myself balls deep in my woman's hot wet cleft. Only another week to go...

"What's the security plan?" Ana asked as we moved downstairs into the great room where Taylor and Clarke already waiting, Teddy's diaper bag slung over the latter's shoulder.

"I'll drive us to Olympia, with Taylor and Clarke following. They will dine nearby at the Bistro, and unless a security situation occurs, Diane should remain unaware of their presence."

I tried to keep a grin from my face as I regarded my two security staff. Ordered to dress casually for the day, Taylor was in long cargo shorts, T-shirt and a cap. Like me, Clarke was sporting jeans and a shirt. They both looked so ill at ease out of their regular clothing, I suspected they'd be pegged for two closet gay dudes on a first date. I smirked, but kept those thoughts to myself.

Triple checking Teddy's seat before I opened the passenger door for Ana, I settled her in the front before coming around to the driver's door. I rarely drove one of the Audi SUVs, but while I'd prefer to drive my R8, there was no seat for Teddy, and it certainly didn't fit Ana's request for 'low key.'

As I drove, I appreciated this was the first time I'd driven my wife and son anywhere. It was easy to relax and switch off when people I trusted were responsible for keeping us safe, but now I felt the full onus of knowing my wife and son were on board and it was my job to keep them safe.

"So what does Diane know about us?" I asked once we were on our way, Taylor and Clarke trailing us through the Seattle streets in a second black Audi SUV.

"She knows Daddy has a daughter, that I live in Seattle, am married and recently had a baby," Ana supplied, turning to check Teddy had settled in his seat. Rear facing, because it was safest, we had an angled plastic mirror attached to the seat back above so Ana could see Teddy without disturbing him. Initially, she'd suggested riding in the back beside Teddy, but I wanted my wife sitting next to me.

"And she has no idea who you are?"

"She knows me as Annie," Ana giggled, "and our son as Ted. But she has no idea who you are..."

"Well let's go with the flow. We can introduce that idea slowly."

The second I'd learned Ray had a love interest, I'd asked Welch and Barney to do some extensive digging. Not that I was suspicious, however experience had shown me people could be duplicitous and self-interested.

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