Chapter 54

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There was an awkward silence as Christian strode from the room, Taylor following in his wake.

"Sean Michael O'Riley," Cora shouted at her husband, "what the hell is wrong with you? We find out we have another grandchild, and you treat him like something on the bottom of your shoe? I can't believe you!"

"I'm wondering why he came forward? Why now? Davey said he's some big hot shot businessman, but how do we know that's not a scam?! And how come the rest of the family can't be told?"

"Because he has a right to privacy," David barked. "He's a very rich man! The last thing he needs is cousins or other people he barely knows selling his story to the press or asking for money. Tell me Connor would not try to make something out of this," he added. "No offense, Pat."

"None taken," Christian's uncle said with a shrug. "The boy's a grifter and that's God's own truth."

"Mr. O'Riley," I said, addressing Sean, my tone icy. "My husband is the sole owner of one of America's most successful businesses. The company he started with $100,000 when he was twenty-one is now a billion-dollar business employing over forty-thousand people. His business interests are varied, including a shipyard in Taiwan, wineries in France, hotels throughout Asia, agricultural research and development and even a publishing house. Christian has been the subject of many business articles, and even a cursory search on the Internet will confirm everything I've mentioned."

"It's true, Granda," Aisling said, pulling out her phone and typing Christian's name into the web browser. "We googled him and there's no doubt he is who he says he is." She passed the phone to her grandfather.

"As for what Christian wants?" I continued, "He was honest there, too. Christian doesn't want money or anything like that from you, and he has a wonderful adoptive family who cares for him very much. He wanted to find out where he came from, and whether there are any family medical issues he needs to know of."

Sean regarded me, his stance softening a little. "Why now?"

"Because he's a father, now. Losing his mother so young was hugely traumatic for Christian. It's had a lasting effect on his ability to bond with other people. Until Teddy came along, Christian had no one in his world connected to him by blood. He didn't start his search to discover his biological father – he assumed that knowledge died with Eleanor. He just wanted to learn more about his background."

"I've misjudged the situation," Sean groaned.

"You think?" Cora snapped. "Now get out there and do something about it!"

"I'll come with you," I said, worried how Christian might react.

"No, lass. You stay here. I need to apologize to my grandson."

"There's no fool like an old fool," Cora said once he'd exited the house. "Please forgive my husband... Learning Davey has a son then meeting him only hours later has obviously been too much for him."

"Sorry, Ma," David said, running his fingers through his hair in a way strangely reminiscent of his son. "I should have given you more warning."

"Don't be. I'm thrilled to meet them all, and I can't wait for your little grandson to wake up so I can have a cuddle."

"Do you have other great-grandchildren?" I asked to progress the conversation.

"Aye. Maureen has three grandbabies," Cora announced proudly, telling me about each of Christian's cousins, and their offspring. She'd only just got through telling me about the family when Christian, Sean, and Taylor came back inside. Christian still looked keyed up as he came to sit back down beside me, however, Taylor gave me a reassuring nod. Sean resumed his seat beside Cora, who gave him unmistakable stink eye.

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