Chapter 27

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What a fucking cluster fuck! Ethan and Elliot out on bail, Eamon thinking he was some fucking cock of the roost cos he paid enough to shove his pathetic limp dick in a girl younger than his daughter, and most of the sordid ordeal had been splashed across the national news!

Elliot was still sleeping it off. He was barely conscious when Ethan discovered what he'd done and dragged him outside. He'd only got a few punches in, but by the time Reynolds, Sawyer, Taylor and I realized what was happening, it was too late. Ethan had, rightfully, beat on Elliot and numerous passers-by had stopped to witness it.

One of the few blessings of the situation, Elliot was too pissed, and Ethan equally inebriated, to give a valid statement to the police, so law enforcement would wait until they sobered up to question them. Sawyer, Taylor, Reynolds and I had trailed the duo to the police station where they were formally charged. Affray, for now, but having overheard Ethan's assertions that Elliot had sexual interaction with strippers, Elliot, and even Eamon, could be charged with soliciting!

Upon learning that, I'd sent Taylor back to the club to speak with the owners and hopefully locate the two dancers. Eamon – showing his first good sense for the evening – had stayed on site when the fracas occurred. While we dealt with Ethan and Elliot, Eamon had already spoken with the proprietors, securing a statement from them denying any sexual interaction had taken place, and he'd also paid off the dancers.

$100,000 each. An expensive fuck and blow job!

Now the only person who could bring Elliot and Eamon down was Ethan.

I loved my brother. He'd had my back so many times over the years. But I could not condone this. Elliot having a semi-clad woman hovering over his junk while he groped her tits was bad enough. Discovering he'd allowed one to suck him off was horrific. And worse – now Anastasia knew and was angry with me about it!

I checked my phone, counting down the minutes until 8:00 am. Prescott had informed me Ana knew of the situation, but was not prepared to speak with me until the morning. Elliot and Ethan busy sleeping the alcohol off, I spent the time working through potential outcomes with Dad and Gramps. All I wanted was to hear my beautiful wife's voice.

As soon as it turned 8:00, I called. This whole situation was fucked, and I wanted to talk it through with Anastasia. I rang, and rang, and she wouldn't pick up, so in a fit of pique I rang Prescott. On my payroll – she had to answer! Demanding to speak to my wife, there was a pause as she handed across the phone.

"Christian? I still love you, but I don't like you a lot right now. Kate has no idea about any of this, so I need to go tell her, before she turns on the TV, all right?! I'll call you later!"

And then she hung up on me!

At  9:00 Dad and I woke Elliot

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At 9:00 Dad and I woke Elliot. I think he might still have been drunk, and if he hadn't been groaning when we woke him, he was by the time we filled in the blanks from the night before.

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