Chapter 26

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It was close to 4:00 am when there was a knock at my door. I quickly checked my phone and there were no messages, so it was unlikely to be security. We had a protocol if they needed to wake me, and that included where possible messaging me first. I wasn't sure why, but suddenly I was apprehensive.

"Who is it?" I hissed through the door after checking Teddy was safely asleep.

"Ana?! It's Mia... Let me in!"

I was torn until I heard Prescott's tired voice.

"Mrs. Grey? It's Prescott. Miss. Grey wants admittance; I will accompany her."

I engaged the safety lock before opening the door a few inches to check it was Mia and Belinda. Assuring myself it was, I shut the door, disengaging the lock before reopening the door to let them in.

"Teddy is asleep," I whispered, pointing over to his crib in the corner. "Keep it down, and this had better be good!"

For the first time I looked at Mia. She had been crying, but she also looked outraged.

"Ethan just called."

I nodded, waiting for my sister-in-law to continue. For him to call this late, and Mia to look so furious, something must have happened.

"He was involved in a disagreement with Elliot and Christian."

"What sort of disagreement?!" I asked, alarmed for the first time.

"Ethan said they were at a pole-dancing club and the other guys were paying the strippers for extras."

"Lap dances?!" I asked, suddenly appreciating why Mia was so upset.

"Oh – if it were only just that!" she hissed.

It felt like my blood had turned to ice in my veins. Christian had never shown any inclination for that sort of thing. If anything, he had expressed disdain for strip clubs and the ilk, explaining it hit too close to home because of the actions of his birth mother.

"Mia? It's late and you're alarming me. Please explain what you mean," I stated, flipping my eyes across to Prescott. Even before Mia had opened her mouth to continue, Belinda was texting on her phone – no doubt to Taylor.

"The guys went whiskey tasting, then played poker. Dad and Gramps went to bed while the others went to a strip club."

I wasn't thrilled, but Christian had told me about that aspect of their plans. Elliot had insisted on it as part of his bachelor weekend.

"There was a lot of drinking, and one by one, the guys went back into the private room with the dancers," Mia explained ominously. "Ethan didn't want to do anything like that, so Elliot told Christian and Taylor to keep him out of the way while he and Eamon went back for a two-on-two session."

I nodded. I had no idea how strip clubs or private rooms worked. I couldn't bring myself to contemplate the prospect Christian had a lap dance, or worse, so for now I was prepared to hear Mia out.

"Eamon and Elliot had been gone ages. Ethan was feeling sick and wanted to go back to the hotel to crash. He suggested they get going, but Christian and Taylor said they should wait and leave as a group. Sick of waiting, Ethan went down to the private room to see what was taking Elliot and Eamon so long. He opened the door and saw his father and Elliot having sex."

Mia was still a little tipsy from our evening out, but there was no doubting she one-hundred percent believed what she was saying.

"Eamon and Elliot were having sex? With each other?!" I gasped, my eyes wide in shock. Nothing, and I mean nothing had prepared me for that idea!

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