Chapter 64

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"What's she like?" Mia quizzed as soon as we were out the patio door. "And him? Are they easy to get along with?"

"Honestly, Mia – Aisling and David remind me of Ray and me. She likes books and is quiet at first but talks a lot more when she opens up. David is ex-military, so he has that calmness about him like Ray."

"What's Christian like with him? Is it like he is with Dad?"

I couldn't help but smile. "No. It's not like that. David isn't taking a paternal role with Christian. If you had to put it into a family setting, I guess Christian interacts with him more like an uncle," I said, trying to explain how David and Christian behaved toward one another.

"And Aisling?"

"To be honest, I've probably spent more time with her than Christian. She seemed a little threatened by him, at first, but now she's seen Christian isn't looking for a father she's relaxed. It's a huge adjustment for her – until now she's been an only child, and when she lost her mother, it was just her and David. She's opening up to a relationship with him."

"Of course she is," Mia said a little sourly. "Who wouldn't want a generous billionaire brother?!"

"She's not like that and please don't let Christian overhear you suggesting she is. Neither David nor Aisling have asked anything of your brother. In fact, Christian and David had heated words when David discovered your brother had paid for the rest of Aisling's schooling."

"Christian paid for her college?"

"Yes. GEH has several scholarships for students. He said if he could pay for a stranger to go to college, he would not let Aisling come out with a student debt or let David work himself to the bone to pay for it. He paid a lot more to send you to culinary school in Paris..."

I could tell that Mia wasn't happy, but we'd arrived at Elliot's boathouse. Mia climbed the steps, knocking loudly on the door.

"... come in..." Elliot called out.

Trying the handle, Mia stepped inside, me right behind her.

"Fuck, Elliot! My eyes!" she squealed, turning around quickly.

In the open space, there was nowhere to hide. Elliot was on the bed, his bottom wedged between a woman's thighs. While we couldn't see her, we both copped an eyeful of Elliot's backside. It appeared we had caught them in flagrante delicto.

"I said 'hang on, I'm coming'" he said indignantly.

"Clearly!" Mia said with an embarrassed huff. "We'll just wait outside!"

"We?" Elliot groaned, covering his ass with the duvet and turning to peer toward the door, seeing me.

"Sorry, Elliot," I giggled. "From out there, it sounded like you said come in..." Mia and I stepped outside, closing the door behind us.

"Oh my god, that was so gross! I need methylated spirits and a wire brush to clean my eyes!" Mia wailed in her typical over the top fashion.

"It's not so bad," I said. "But maybe because it's not the first time I've seen it."

"You've seen Elliot like that before?" she gasped.

"More than once," I replied with a shrug. "He and Kate were not always so discreet. Plus they seemed to have a thing for the sofa at our old place..."

"The one that's still at Ethan's? Ugh! I sat on that thing heaps of times! That's revolting," Mia replied, tapping her foot and waiting for Elliot to come to the door. I thought it best not to tell her that over the years, Elliot was not the only one Kate had 'enjoyed' the sofa with. Some things were better left unsaid!

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