Chapter 38

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"Morning Ana. See you've brought my favorite dude over for breakfast," Elliot said as we walked into the breakfast room at Bellevue.

"That she has," Christian replied with a smirk.

"I meant Teddy, you dipshit!" Elliot replied.

"Elliot!" Grace and I both scolded at the same time.

"What is it with that?" Elliot grumbled. "Is there like a book you get when you get a kid that teaches you that tone?"

Christian rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. They hand them out at the hospital... You're such a..."

I turned to glare at my husband.

"...dillberry," he finished lamely, while Elliot smirked and flipped him the bird.

"Elliot!" Grace warned again.

"Sorry, Mom, Ana," Elliot mumbled pulling a face when Christian poked his tongue out at him.

"Grace? I'm sorry about last night. Turns out I'm just not ready for Teddy to stay over, yet," I apologetically explained. I suspect she was disappointed, but it would not happen until I'm ready.

"I understand," Grace replied gesturing for us to sit at the laden table. "There'll be plenty of other opportunities."

"Morning all," Carrick greeted joining us. "I'm happy to report Theodore slept right through! I didn't hear a peep!" he announced grinning at Christian and me.

"That's because McIntyre took Teddy to sleep at Medina with Ana and Christian last night, Cary," Grace replied. "They've just arrived to join us for breakfast."

Elliot chuckled. "Nice one, Dad! You're in the dog house."

"It's that darned CPAP machine," Carrick explained, very embarrassed. "Ever since I got it, I sleep like the dead."

"Better that than a heart attack," Grace replied, moving the platter of bacon away from Carrick, replacing it with a plate of seeded toast spread with avocado and topped with sliced tomato.

"Thanks, Mom," Elliot said, clearing the bacon from the platter and dumping it onto his plate alongside the huge serve of eggs already there.

"Asshole," Carrick grumbled at Elliot, looking at his own breakfast in disappointment. When a routine physical had shown Carrick needed a CPAP machine, and should also cut down on his salt, Grace had put him on a healthy eating plan, much to her husband's chagrin.

"Dad!" Christian and Elliot exclaimed, enjoying the opportunity to tell their father off.

"No swearing, Cary! Little ears are present," Grace said to Carrick, coming to take Teddy from me. "I've already eaten, Ana. How about I hold Teddy while you enjoy your breakfast?"

Christian Grey at a  playgroup was the most hilarious thing I had ever witnessed

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Christian Grey at a playgroup was the most hilarious thing I had ever witnessed. Despite wearing 'casual' dark jeans and a polo shirt, he looked confused and confronted the whole time. Teddy was too young to move about, so he spent his time on his back or tummy swatting at toys while I chatted with the other moms. However, when an older infant crawled over and licked Teddy on the face, I thought Christian was about to self-combust. He almost broke the land speed record racing over to the diaper bag to get an anti-bacterial wipe.

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