Chapter 45

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"Diane? I was just going to show Christian and Annie your garden. Would you mind keeping an eye on Teddy?"

The little guy was happy sleeping in his travel bassinet, tuckered out from an afternoon of play. Anastasia looked at her father curiously, however hearing Diane confirm she'd listen out for Teddy while putting the finishing touches on dinner, we stood and followed Ray onto into the beautifully tended but small back garden.

"You don't really want to talk about trees do you, Dad?" Ana teased gently.

"No. You're right, I don't." He stood with his hands in his pockets. "Lillian came to me the other day. She handed me a letter of resignation."

"What? No!" Ana hissed. "Why?!"

"She said she noticed I was getting more and more of my work from Seattle, and that now I was dating a Seattle lady, and you were here, she figured it was only a matter of time before I moved. I tried to tell her I had no immediate plans to leave Montesano, but she's planning to move into a supported living facility, soon, and she had made up her mind."

I stood to one side, letting Ray have this conversation with Ana. I had a good idea where this was heading.

"The thing is, she has a point. Less than ten percent of the jobs I'm doing these days are local – and those that are the little jobs that are more bother than they're worth. I enjoy doing the custom stuff, and it pays better. But most of that is Seattle based. Work-wise it would make sense to base myself here, I'd be closer to you and Teddy, and I won't lie – it's been nice having a special lady to share my free time with. I've not decided anything yet, and I haven't spoken with Diane. I wanted to discuss what you thought first."

"You'd move from Montesano? Permanently? Would you move in with Diane?"

"Possibly. It's a bit early to be looking at that, but that's kind of what the next fortnight is about. I thought I'd see how we go living together before I talk with her. If Diane was open to it, I'd perhaps live here with her for a while then potentially long term look for a new place together? Diane would like a larger garden, and I'd like somewhere a bit less suburban. I understand your old man with someone new might be weird, but Diane's a very caring lady; she's become special to me."

"Daddy, I don't mind you having someone special, and Diane seems lovely. It will be weird not to have Montesano as home, but we'd love having you closer if that's what makes you happy?"

I immediately resolved to speak with Ray about the home where Anastasia grew up. I appreciated it held a unique place in her heart. If Ray ended up selling, it would be to me – and I didn't give a fuck how much he wanted for the place.

"So you're ok with me possibly moving in with Diane? Potentially even one day making things official?"

"You want to marry her?" Anastasia gasped. She looked more shocked than anything.

"Not yet. But if we moved in together and it worked out, I'd like to consider steering things in that direction. I understand it's a different time, and people live together and sometimes that's enough, but I'm an old-fashioned guy, so for me that means marriage."

From where I stood, I could see Ray was as red as a beetroot. I chuckled, reflecting on a similarly awkward conversation I'd had with Ray about my intentions with Anastasia.

"Well you needn't rush into anything," Ana replied, sounding older than her years. "But if that's what you decide, you'll have our one-hundred percent support, isn't that right Christian?"

"Of course," I answered, clapping Ray on the back. "We'd love to have you closer. Now how about we get back inside? Diane's dinner smells delicious, and Anastasia made key lime pie for dessert."

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