Just Ew

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*Zack's pov*

I woke up feeling a weight on my lap. I flicked my eyes open and looked down to see that the girl had fallen over in her sleep and landed on me. I thought about shoving her off, but, I didn't really want to. It was a strange feeling for a particularly violent person like me.
Damn. I'm turning soft like a baby. Maybe all I am is just a big baby. Nah, I'm a grown man.
I continued to look at, what was her name? Emma? Yeah Emma. She was actually kinda pretty if you looked at her long enough. Which I'm ashamed in admitting that I've been starring at her for a solid 15 minutes.
Ugh, what's wrong with me? I'm acting all weird and, just, just ew. Yeah, that's one way of putting it I guess. Can't think of any other way of putting it off the top of my head.
Before I knew what I was doing, my hand reached out and pushed her hair behind her ear, no longer blocking part of her face. I cringed mentally at the strange move.
As soon as I set my hand back down she opened her eyes. They were calm at first until she realized where she was laying.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I-I must've fallen over or something I swear!" Her eyes began to water.
"Hey quit the damn crying and forget about it. Just uh can you get off me now?" I said, a little irritated at myself for letting her sleep on me.
"Yes s-sorry I'm sorry."
"I said forget about it!" I yelled, which was a mistake because she broke down in rattling sobs.
"Hey what did I say about the crying? Stop it crying is for babies."
She sniffed and wiped her eyes but missed one stray tear on her pale cheek, and you guessed it. I wiped it away with my bandaged hand.
She looked up at me in surprise obvious questions forming in her mind.
"Okay you get three questions, and I can chose not to answer them if I don't want to."
"Okay uh. Why didn't you kill me?"
That struck me. Why didn't I kill her?
"I don't know why, would you rather I did kill you?"
"No! Sorry. Uh why, are you covered in bandages?" This question I saw coming before she asked it.
"I got set on fire as a kid, I'm not going into detail." My mind flashed back to that night. But I quickly shook it away before they fully appeared.
"Oh, I'm sorry that happened to you, I can't imagine how that must've felt....." She blushed. And I did too but luckily the bandages didn't let it show. And I gotta admit she looks pretty cute when she blushes.
Ugh, there I go again, these feelings are embarrassing to my reputation of not feeling anything. It sucks like hell.

(Don't worry I did not forget the third question, it's gonna be in the next chapter!)

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