Eddie's Friend

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*Zack's pov*

"Eddie! What the fuck!?" I was pissed, he walked in at the wrong damn time.
"Eddie? Is he the guy that is making Caleb a grave?" Emma asked.
"Yeah that's him. But really Eddie, now?" I was really annoyed.
He was out of breath. "I-I n-need your h-help! Please!" He didn't have his mask on and I could see tear stains on his face.
"What happened?" Emma asked getting up and limping over to him.
"I um, d-did something. I wasn't alone this whole t-time I was f-following you." He said scratching his head while his eyes began to water.
"There's another person with you? Where?" Emma asked gently.
"Yes, s-she's hurt and I don't know w-what to do." He broke down and fell to the floor sobbing. And Emma went with him trying to comfort him so he could tell us where she was.
"Can you tell me where she is?" Emma asked while rubbing his back soothingly. I felt jealous at that move. I don't really understand why.
"F-follow me." He got up and we followed him out.
He walked over to a bush, and there lay a barely alive girl. She had cuts, burns, and bruises all over her body and she was bleeding very badly. Eddie lost it again and fell next to her, hugging her limp body.
"What the fuck happened to her?" I asked.
"S-she w-wouldn't l-let me help her, she just p-pushed me away trying to protect me from......." He couldn't finish because the girl opened her eyes and spoke very weakly.
"I had to Eddie, I couldn't let you go to hell with me......." She passed out, just a few words draining all her energy.
"What was she trying to protect you from?" I asked.
"A burning house...... She went in to get something, but never came back so I went in, e-even though she told me to stay out, I-I couldn't just let her die. The house on fire was the abandoned one we found shelter in for a day." He explained best he could but his words were shaky with sobs.
"What did she go back in for?" It must've been important for her to risk her life going back for it.
"This......" He held up a knife with the name Leah on it.
"She went in for a fucking knife!? That's insane!" I yelled.
"Don't say that! She wants this to be the knife she is killed with! Don't you respect that!?" Shit I set him off, great.
"Sorry dude it just sounds weird to me." I confessed with my arms up in surrender.
He just glared at me. "Well her promise to herself will never be true if she dies like this......" He raised the knife above the almost lifeless body.
"NO!" Emma and I shouted at the same time. I acted first and tackled him trying to get the knife away from him.
"WHY NOT!? SHE'S ALREADY DIEING!" He screamed louder than I thought possible for a boy like him.
"Because we can save her! But we won't be able to if you plunge that knife in her damn chest!" I yelled in his face. Maybe I'm not the dumbest person alive.
He squirmed beneath me, trying to escape. I had pinned him to the ground by this point, but he still had the knife tightly in his hand, too tight for me to try and take it and not get stabbed.
He lowered the knife to his side, but kept it clutched tightly in his hands. He thought about it for a few seconds before comeing back to reality.
"I-I'm sorry..... I almost killed her when she had a chance to live." I saw a guilty look sink in his eyes.
"If she's gonna have any chance at all we need to fix her up now." I said. I got  off of Eddie now that he had calmed down, I could trust him not to kill anyone. I could actually see the girl's face getting paler and paler as she lost blood.
I went to pick her up, but before I could Eddie spoke up. "Stop Zack. Let me do it. Please."
"You sure ya can?" I didn't want him to drop her and end up making it worse.
He didn't answer, he just simply picked the girl up and walked in the direction of the shed.
Emma looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and followed Eddie in our attempt to save the girl from death. And apparently hell.

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