Starting To Care

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*Emma's pov*

Okay now I'm getting worried, it's been two hours and he is still unconsious with his head leaning on me. He was mumbling in his sleep. Mostly gibberish and swears. But I caught some names every now and then.
He said the name Ray. I don't know who she is but she must've put him through something hard, because whenever he said her name he would swear after. He also said my name quite a bit too.
All of a sudden he jumped up quick as a flash and looked around at his surroundings.

*Zack's pov*

What the fuck happened? I was standing breathing very hard, feeling like I was gonna pass out.
"Zack?" A voice said unsurely, interrupting my thoughts. "Are you okay Zack?"
I looked down at Emma sitting on the ground where I just was, she looked concerned. Why would she be concerned? Then I knew why.
My head started to throb with pain. My hand flew up to the side of my head to find a new bandage was wrapped around the throbbing spot.
"What the fuck happened!? Why do I have a new bandage on my head?" I yelled. She flinched at my anger/confusion, before explaining what had happened.
"Well shit. Are.....are you okay?" The bandage on her leg had blood seeping through it.
"Yeah I'm okay, I just landed on my leg when we fell. But I'll be okay."
"Okay good, well I mean not good that it's bleeding again but, ugh, let's just go." I started to walk when I realized she didn't get up and follow me.
"Oh right, I gotta carry you again." I sighed as I remembered what happened last time we tried that. But we didn't have much farther to go, so I figured it would be fine.
"No I'm fine it's just that..... You were um....... You were talking in your sleep." She blushed when she admitted she had heard whatever I said in my sleep.
"Oh really? What did I say?" I didn't really care what I said, but something was bothering her, and I wanted to find out what it was.
"You kept saying the name Ray and then swearing after....... so I was wondering...... who is Ray?"
I felt my insides burn in embarrassment to the question.
"All I'm gonna tell ya is that she is the only reason I'm still alive." I said slowly.
"Okay, thank you for telling me." She looked scared.
"Yeah whatever. Look I'm not gonna hurt ya, you can stop with the scared expressions. It's getting on my nerves."
"Okay, I'm sorry." She got up, wincing from putting weight on her leg. But a determined look replaced the pained look as she squeezed by me taking the lead.
Before she could get in front of me, I grabbed her hand gently, and pulled it up to my face so I could kiss it.
"Thank you." I mumbled, while using my other hand to point at my wound that she bandaged for me while I was unconscious.
She just smiled and continued walking with our hands still together.
She mumbled "You're welcome." Before pulling me towards our hiding spot.

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