Admitting His Love

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*Emma's pov*

After Eddie was done thanking me, Zack pulled me outside twineing his fingers in mine as he led me behind the shed. I was limping badly but I didn't care. It was obvious he wanted to tell me something.
He stopped walking once we were hidden out of sight and put his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso, his warmth making me feel safe.
"Em, I uh..... I have this feeling that I don't know what it is......" He said making eye contact with me. His golden and black eyes staring intensely into mine searching for answers to his confusion.
"I think I know what it is." I said.
"Tell me." He urged.
"You're in love." I simply told him, the words I just spoke made me blush.
He just stood there breaking the eye contact and looking into space.
"I have that feeling too ya know." I said breaking the silence. "I was confused when I started feeling it too." I confessed.
"But if-" he put his bandaged finger on my lips, shushing me. He stared intently into my eyes.
"Then if that's what it is, I love you and I want to kiss you again." I could just barely see him blush under his bandages.
"Oh Zack....... Why didn't you just ask in the first place?" He didn't answer the question because he lowered his head and aimed for my lips making contact less than a second later.
I gotta admit, he is a pretty good kisser for a violent person like himself. I kissed back moving my lips in rythem with his. I attempted to French kiss him again since Eddie interrupted us last time. I moved my tongue along his lower lip seeking permission.
My permission was granted when he did the same to my bottom lip. I slid my tongue into his partly open mouth. Then he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I don't understand how he is so good at this, it must be instinct. My mind wondered off as he explored my mouth. And I explored his.
We were both breathing hard by this point. I was getting dizzy, the world started to spin and I started to tip over, slow at first but then faster. Zack caught me right before I came in contact with the ground.
He lifted me back up and looked at me with concerned eyes. I can hardly stay in control of myself, he's so hot! Just looking at him makes me blush bright red.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked quickly. "I did didn't I? Dammit! I knew this was a bad idea!"
"No no! You didn't hurt me at all! I was just really dizzy I swear!" I said feeling bad that he thought he hurt me and he cared.
"You're sure?" He asked.
"One hundred percent sure." I clarified.
"Okay let's go back inside now, it's getting dark." It really wasn't yet, but would be soon. I guess he was just looking for something to end the awkward conversation.
We got back just in time to see Eddie pull away from Leah's face and blush bright red.
"Hey guys! Done making out?" Zack said elbowing Eddie in the ribs.
"Shut up Zack, it's not like you two weren't just doing it too!" He said defending Leah and himself.
"Guys can you ever get along for two seconds?" Leah said in an annoyed tone.
I agreed with her, the two were always fighting. I wonder if they fought like that before they met us two girls.
"I don't think we had a proper greeting yet." I said holding out my hand to Leah and Eddie. They each shook it politely only offering a slight smile. Zack just stood in the corner with his arms folded across his chest, suddenly very tense. And now I know why.
All of a sudden we heard loud sirens and saw flashing lights coming from outside.

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