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*Zack's pov*

The straps weren't very tight luckily so I easily squeezed out of them. These doctors are fucking stupid if they thought that would keep me held down.
I found some bandages and a bathroom and wrapped myself in them to cover the burns. Now all I had on was a white hospital gown bandages and my boxers.
I searched the room for better coverage but found none.
"Fuck!" I was pissed, now I have to escape this place pretty much half naked. Great.
I went through some doors that were suprizingly unlocked. Another dumb move. Do these doctors think I'm dumb? Well I am, but not this dumb. I know very well how to open a fucking door.
I'm now in a hallway and it's empty of everything except for a single cart of white blankets, pillows, and gowns.
It was freezing in here! They must have the heat turned way down. Or maybe it's because I don't have pants on. There's that possibility too.
I looked in the cart and found a pair of white pants. What's with hospitals and white stuff? I would much rather have darker clothes on than these bright white ones. I put the pants on feeling a little less exposed now, and continued to walk in random directions hoping to find an exit.
I could see a door after walking half an hour, but it was at the end of a long hallway. But it's an exit so whatever. Then I froze.
"Isacc Foster."
I spun around to see the two doctors who asked me questions a little while ago standing in a doorway.
"What the fuck!? This is stupid! I have to go back to my friends, some of them are hurt and they need me." I yelled at them.
"Who said we were gonna stop you? We just need one more answer from you and then you may do as you please." The man said.
"What is it that you have to fucking ask me that's so important!?" I was getting more and more pissed every second I was away from Emma. Who knows what state she could be in right now?
"We just need to know why. That's all. No more no less." The woman said.
"Why what?" They aren't being clear at all.
"Why did you suddenly change? When you escaped from the police you were a very violent person. But now, you're trying to get back to your friends to help them." She explained.
"I don't know why I changed, probably because I'm not living in a world where everyone judges me anymore. My friends back there, they make me feel like a normal person. That's why, is that good enough for you?" I hated letting out my feelings to complete strangers, but it was the fastest way of getting back to Emma and the others. So I did it.
"Yes, that's all we need." I heard the door click at the end of the hallway and the light turned green as it was unlocked.
I ran towards the door not caring if I looked like a damn idiot. I just have to get out of here. I can't let myself be so vulnerable again. Like I was when I was a kid. I can't be like that. Not now, not ever.

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