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*Zack's pov*

"Okay so which way do we go?" I asked her while she got comfortable in my arms.
"Depends on which way we're going...."
"Let's try the way that has less a risk of getting seen." I said.
"Okay then go left around the corner." She pointed which way to go from there on. And she wasn't kidding about a tight squeeze.
"Just a little farther and we can get out of this crambed place." She instructed.
I was breathing hard by this point it was another 200 yards away from where she was pointing.
"Maybe you should take a break, I can walk from here." She urged.
"No, I-I can handle it, ju-just gotta-ahh!" I tripped on a lose piece of wood, but I managed to flip myself around so I didn't fall on Emma. But then she ended up falling on me.
She screamed when I hit my head on the hard ground making my vision go blurry.
"Zack! Oh my gosh are you okay!?" Even though she was yelling I could hardly hear her. Then everything went dark.

*Emma's pov*

What am I gonna do!? He's unconscious! And I know I can't carry him between these walls. And besides, even if we weren't between the walls I landed on my bad leg and it's starting to bleed through the bandages.
Even more of a problem Zack's head is starting to bleed where he hit it on the ground. I managed to get him to a sitting position, so I could take a look at his head.
I pulled his hood back to see blood seeping through his hair on the side of his head. I parted his dark hair so I could get a better look at the wound.
It wasn't too big of a wound, but I didn't know how to treat it.
I dug through his jacket pockets looking for extra bandages and maybe some kind of medicine. I found both and tried my best to apply the medicine. After I appyed the medicine I carefully wrapped the side of his head up in the bandages.
I sat down and began to wonder when he was gonna wake up. What if he's in a coma!? No, he can't be.
He started leaning to the left so I scooted over to his left so he wouldn't fall and hit his head again. His head, instead of landing on the ground, it landed on me!
What the heck? Why am I okay with this? Why am I not pushing him back upright? Oh. I-I kinda like it actually. Strange.

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