Returning A Favor

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*Eddie's pov*

I know it's stupid but I'm kinda jealous, I know Emma just got separated from Zack, but I was the one who was there for Leah. This is just as hard for me as it is her. Why isn't she stroking my hair? Well okay now that sounds really weird, I would much rather be the one stroking the hair.
I gotta man up and stop being a jealous baby, be a man Eddie, not some foolish kid who everyone thinks of as a dummy who never does anything right.
So I decided to crawl over and lay next to Leah and Emma. I made sure to only touch Leah, because I didn't wanna give Emma any unwanted thoughts. I don't think she would want me because she has Zack. Well, maybe.
I heard Leah whisper something but I was too lost in thought to hear what she said clearly.
"What did you say? Sorry I was thinking." I said scratching the back of my head awkwardly.
"I said, what are we gonna do?" She said again now that I was listening. I honestly didn't know the answer to that question.
"I don't know, but-" "No Eddie look....." I sat up and saw Leah's hand was covered in blood. I looked where Leah was looking and saw Emma's leg was gushing blood through some bandages. I almost swore but I knew that wouldn't help any of us.
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "We can't just let her die, she saved my life. W-we gotta do something!" She said while unwrapping Emma's bandages to reveal a long deep gash, that was obviously infected.
I couldn't help myself this time. "Oh shit! How are we gonna get that clean? We don't have anything that could-" my eyes flicked over to my shovel. Leah's eyes looked in the direction of mine. Then quickly looked back.
"No. We can't give up on her. We have to try something, anything but that!" She was crying now. I pulled her into my arms and whispered in her ear.
"Leah, look at her, do you see how much blood she's lost? She doesn't have much chance. It would be easier to just end her suffering." I told her softly.
"B-but what about Zack? He'll kill you! And I can't have that. No. I won't have that." She said while her eyes blazed making her words stronger.
"I know, we'd have to run very far away for him to not be able to find us." I explained.
"No, Eddie, we can't do this, I can't do this. We have to at least try. Please?" Her eyes were so talented they begged with such power it made my head hurt.
"Fine, but if she gets worse....."
"Okay. Thank you." She got to work with what we had which wasn't much. We only had two feet long of bandage left and no medicine.
"Go see if you can find some water." She told me. I did as I was told and went to find water grabbing my shovel on my way by.

*Leah's pov*

I didn't have a very good feeling about this deal Eddie and I made. Even if she got worse, I won't let him kill her. She saved my life. Now I have to try and save her's in return.
When Eddie came back a few minutes later, he had water in his shovel spilling a little when he set it down in front of me. It wasn't the cleanest water, but it would have to work.
"We need a fire." Eddie said I was confused.
"Why do we need a fire? It's not cold." It was actually kinda warm for the middle of the night.
"We can't just put unclean water on an open wound. We need to kill all the germs and bacteria in it first so it doesn't make the infection worse." He explained. I didn't get a full education like most people, so there were some things I didn't know.
"Okay, I have a lighter, here." I said tossing the lighter into Eddie's waiting hands.
He gathered some dry wood for the fire and got to work on catching a flame. He's so smart when if comes to stuff like this. I'm glad it was me who got hurt in the fire and not him. I would probably have had the same reaction as he did when I came close to dieing.
We just need to stay positive and hope things will turn out alright.

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