An Old "Friend"

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*Zack's pov*

I ran over to her limp form my heart racing in fear. I checked for her pulse. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. I sighed in relief. She's still holding on.
I went back in the house to dispose of the bodies and the blood, so she could be somewhat comfortable where we would be living for a while. I'll bury the little boy later.
I went back outside to bring Emma into the shed, and check her over to see if she was alright. Her leg was bleeding badly, she must've passed out from the loss of blood.
I picked her up gently, and brought her inside. I set her down on the floor of the shed and pulled her pant leg up. Then I decided it would be easier if these jeans turned into shorts. So I grabed my scythe and cut through the denim up to the middle of her thighs.
I was quite proud if myself, it didn't look half bad really. After I was done being excited for doing something right for once, I got to work on fixing up Emma's leg. Again.
I pulled out the remaining medicine I had left and applied it on her wound. We would definitely need more of this stuff if we keep taking turns getting hurt. I could tell that she badly needed stitches. But I had no idea how to sew anything. Though I did have a needle and thread, and I guess it can't hurt to try at least.
I finally threaded the needle after lots of difficulty getting the thread to go in the tiny hole in the needle. Now I was nervous, what if I made it worse? I couldn't bear it so I gave up trying.
I decided to just put new bandages on and let it heal on its own. Unless she wanted to stitch it herself. I went outside for some air, I got sick of the reeking smell of rott in the shed from the bodies. It was then I remembered that I was gonna bury the little boy.
I walked around to the back of the shed to find someone examining the two bodies.
Damn no!
"Hey Zack, how's it goin?" Shit shit shit!
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I screamed.
"I followed you from the building all the way here. After I saw you take the life of the girl I fell in love, with I got angry." This didn't make any damn sense.
"And?" I pushed trying to get to the point.
"And I just realized that you're not a bad person Zack, you just didn't start off how most people do. How I wish I was like most people...... And if it's okay, I would like to make a grave for this boy." He's a damn psychopath.
"And also, if it's okay I would like to join you and Emma." Does he really think I'm just gonna let him do as he pleases when he almost...... Damn, no Zack, stop thinking about that.
"Look. Eddie." I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled his face inches from mine. Through his mask I could see fear in his eyes, but also confusion. "I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you don't pull another dumb ass stunt like you did back in the building." I made my point clear, only a pure dumb ass wouldn't understand.
"Okay I promise." And just like any immature teenager would do, he held out his pinky finger to me. I thought about cutting the damn thing off, but I'm smart enough to know that this kid has gone through enough like the rest of us. What the fuck!? Where did this sympathy come from? Ugh it's disgusting.
I decided to be nice (for once) and link my own pinky finger with his. Immaturely sealing his promise he had made.
With that he went to work with his shovel. And I went back to Emma.

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