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*Zack's pov*

What is happening? Why am I holding her hand willingly? Why am I okay with this? So many questions flying in my head all at once. I just don't understand all the, uh, feelings and stuff.
"Just a little farther, we're almost there." Emma said breaking the awkward silence.
"Okay, what exactly are we looking for?" All she ever told me about this, "hiding spot" was that she knew where it was.
"It's an old abandoned shack that no one uses anymore. I used to play in it as a kid." She explained.
"Oh so it was like your, I don't know your uh....." I'm no good at explaining things.
"It was like my hideout, a place I went when I needed some alone time." That makes sense.
"Here we are." She said, five minutes later.
It was an old broken down shed like structure. Kinda looked like a place where animals got butchered. But it was sealed and it had a roof, that's good enough for me. We weren't planing to stay here forever anyways.
"Well let's go see if haunted." I said sarcastically.
She whimpered quietly, covering up her face with her hands.
"Don't worry, with my scythe in hand nothing can hurt us." Where the fuck did those reassuring words come from? I honestly had no idea.
She inched closer to my side almost touching me. Did she really believe in things being haunted? Or was she just being sarcastic? I surely didn't know the answer to that question, so I just kept walking toward the creepy shed.
She suddenly stopped.
"What's wrong?" Her eyes were full of fear and sadness.
"I-I um haven't been here f-for a while uh, because I did something." She mumbled the last part so I could hardly make out what she said.
"What did you do?" Whatever she did obviously wasn't good, and it was bothering her like hell.
"I um, please don't get mad." She pleaded her eyes glistening with tears.
"It's okay I won't get mad as long as you didn't do something like chop my dic off." I joked pretending to look down and check.
She didn't find it very funny. I guess this was the wrong time for jokes. Turns out I was right for once.
"I murdered someone. But I did it for a reason." How did that innocent sweet girl kill a human being? It must've been for a good reason for her to do something like that.
"What was the reason?" I needed to know so I could reassure her about it.
She just pointed at the shed. "Go look."
I walked to the rickety door and opened it with a creek. There was blood on the door and a trail leading to a really smelly rotten body of a man. The man was also holding a knife.
And next to the man lay a small body. I walked toward it. It was a little boy that looked a lot like Emma. Now I understood. This man killed her brother, so she killed him in revenge for her brother.
Anger boiled in me so fast. I picked up my scythe and slashed the reeking man to sheads, screaming all the while. When I had enough, I leaned on my scythe breathing heavily. Once I calmed down I went back outside to Emma.
I found her in a limp form on the ground, hardly looking alive.

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