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*Zack's pov*

I woke up to a bright light. I was strapped to a hard table and all my bandages were gone. I had on a hospital gown so out of my style. I heard voices close to me.
"Do you think we should try and talk to him?" A woman asked her partner.
"We probably should." Her partner agreed.
I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to go back to Emma.
"Hello Isacc Foster, how are you feeling?" The man asked.
I just grinded my teeth together in anger. I won't speak to these basterds if it's the last thing I do. I heard a pen quickly writing something down.
"What are you trying to achieve by not answering us?" The woman asked sternly.
I still refused to answer.
The man walked over to the table I was on and pushed a button that made the table move, so I was now in a sitting position.
"If you continue to refuse to communicate, then you won't be able to go back to your friends." She said. Her words only made me angrier.
"All we want from you is a few answers to some questions we have been wondering about." The man said calmly. I raised an eyebrow to let them know I was listening.
"Splendid. Let's start, there are only four questions and you can take as much time as you need to answer them." The man explained.
"First, what are all the burns that cover almost your entire body from?" The woman asked. I knew this question was coming, but I really didn't want to answer it. Only a very few people know how I got my burns.
I shook my head to the question, and the two I'm guessing were doctors sighed while writing down some notes.
"How about this one? How old are you?" The man asked.
I shugged my shoulders cause I really didn't know, but I guessed somewhere in my twenties.
"You don't know?" The woman asked.
I shook my head in answer. I felt suprizingly calm. Must be the drugs they used to knock me out with, they're probably still in my system.
"And let's do one more for now and leave the last one for later. Why didn't you run away with your friends?" The man asked. I knew I would have to speak for this question. I sighed and began to explain.
"I knew the police were after me, and I wanted them to be safe so I told them to go without me." I left out the part where I was planing to find them again by escaping this place.
"Interesting." The woman said quickly writing down what I had said on her clipboard. "Well we'll leave you alone now so you can rest." She said opening the door and walking out with the man following close behind.
I have to get out of here.

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