This Isn't Emma

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*Emma's pov*

Everything was a haze, nothing was clear everything was a blurry mess. Including my brain. I don't want to be alive anymore. I no longer serve a purpose now that Zack is gone, and who knows if he will return. I have nothing left now. I'm worthless, just a waste of space.
I'm coming back to reality now, trust me it was against my will. I wanted to stay in that blurry haze forever. It was peaceful there. But now the dark barrier has been broken, won over by the light.
"Look! She's waking up!" I heard Leah half whisper.
I looked around drowsily, I couldn't see very well, everything around me was mixed together. I suddenly felt angry. Like out of control angry. I don't really know why, but I wanted destroy everything around me.
I started to breathe heavily. My body tensed up so much that it hurt. I felt like I was burning in a fire, I was so hot!
"Eddie! Go get Zack! Hurry!" Leah screamed. I heard fast thumps on the ground as Eddie ran.
Zack? Is he really here? No, he can't be. They're probably trying to give me false hope so I'll calm down. I'm not that dumb. No I'm not!
"You think I'm a dumb ass!?" I shrieked getting to my feet very painfully. "I know he's not here! He can't be here! It's impossible! Stop damn lieing to me!"
"Eddie! Zack! Please hurry she's losing it!"
"I'm losing it!? I think you're the one who's losing it! Not me!" I continued to shriek even though my throat felt like it was tearing apart.
I collapsed onto the ground still screaming at the top of my lungs. It was all gibberish and swears now. It was then that I remembered the knife the man used to kill my brother. It's still in here somewhere.
I searched the floor for it. I had to die now, before I hurt someone I don't want to.
"Emma no! Please stop, we're not lieing to you we're trying to help you. Please just let us." Leah begged. My hands touched cold metal. I gripped it in my fist tightly so no one could take it from me.
"I'm only a danger to you and Eddie now, I must die now before I hurt you." I started to cry as I raised the knife to my chest.

*Zack's pov*

After seeing what state Emma was in, I had to go in the woods and be alone for a little while. This was all my damn fault, if I had just done something different none of this would've happened in the first place.
I sat alone for about two hours before I heard someone running, no, sprinting towards me.
"Zack!" Eddie called a little ways off. Something was wrong.
"Zack! Come back Emma's losing her mind!" Eddie yelled, but he didn't even finish speaking before I was on my feet sprinting back in the direction of the shed.
"Shit shit shit! I shouldn't have left! Ugh I'm so fucking stupid!" I yelled at myself.
I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life! Probably because I've never had to run this fast until now.
The shed was in sight now. I ran to the door not prepared for what I was about to see.
I opened the door to see Emma with a knife at her chest with a crazed look in her eyes. This isn't Emma. This isn't the girl who I fell in love with.
This is a girl. Who wants everything to end.

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