Saving Eddie's Friend

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*Zack's pov*

When Eddie put the girl down he had blood stains on his clothes from her wounds. I had a tiny bit of medicine left with me but plenty of bandages. So we were all set for now.
"I don't want to say this but we need to see where all her wounds are." I said flushing red beneath my bandages.
Eddie and Emma looked at me in surprise that I was the one to say it. But both agreed that we needed to do it.
"How about you boys go outside and I can look her over?" Emma suggested.
"That's fine with me!" I said running outside.
Eddie hesitated though looking at the girl sadly. "Eddie it's fine she won't hurt her." When he still didn't move I grabbed him by his scarf and pulled him outside.
"Hey!" He yelled in an annoyed tone.
"Come on do you really want to see her with almost all her clothes off Eddie? Seriously man!" I said half playfully.
"No I don't, I just wanna make sure she's okay, that's all." He said looking down at his feet.
I put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, Emma is pretty good with this stuff from what I know. Trust me, she'll be fine."
"Okay if you say so. Just know if she dies...... I won't be able to continue."

*Emma's pov*

She was worse than I thought. Once I had almost all her clothes off, I could tell she was very close to death. She had cuts and burns everywhere. I grabbed the rest of the medicine and put it on the worst spots. We didn't have enough for all the wounds.
After, I put bandages on her so she pretty much looked like a mummy. She didn't look too bad once I got her clothes back on. The bandages made her look tough actually. Though not very many of them were showing so she should be fine with it.
While I was cleaning up she opened her eyes and spoke.
"W-where is Eddie?" Her voice sounded shaky.
"He's outside with Zack." I told her.
"C-can you get h-him please?"
"Yeah, I'll be right back. Don't move an inch. I mean it." I went outside to find Zack and Eddie play wrestling on the ground getting filthy.
"Hey Eddie! Your girl friend wants you." I said with my hands on my hips, smiling mischievously.
They untangled themselves and stood up. Eddie was blushing and Zack was making fun of him for it.
"Just shut up Zack, it's not like your girl friend doesn't want you sometimes!" I was impressed with Eddie. He seemed so nice, I didn't expect this comeback from him.
"Ohhhhhh!" I said, I could just barely see Zack blush beneath his bandages.
He sighed in defeat. "Come on lets go see what Emma did." He walked toward the door where I was and put his arm around my waist and continued to walk inside the shed.
I blushed in case you didn't guess.
When we got in the shed we hadn't realized Eddie had gotten ahead of us. He was already on the floor next to the girl hugging her and crying a bit.
He looked up at me and whispered, "Thank you."

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