Mystery X Therapist!Reader

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My teeth chattered in an inconsistent rhythm, while my body shivered with contradicting heat. "Curse this freaking fever," I quietly strained out.

"I swear you'll get better, dear." His fluffed tail wrapped heat around my waist, as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. Mystery's body was so close, and his purr was unbelievably loud, yet it was somehow relaxing. His soft white fur tickled my nose, with every inched movement, it stroked my face until my nose released a sneeze. I felt Mystery's frame twitch to the unexpected sound. I groaned as I grasped another tissue from the patterned cardboard box resting on the wooden side table, cleaned my disgusting mess and threw it in the small trash bin beside it.

"Mystery, please, I'm sick," I said, gently scooting him away from me. Of course, he didn't listen, as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"My brain is sick as well, yet here you are." The remark was only as true as he stated it to be. His mental and emotional state was a sensitive wreck, but I was his therapist, and in no condition would I let him struggle with his issues alone. The moment here was obviously against my position, and I knew my job was at risk. But he often showed up at my house, despite the weather being forty degrees or lower. Coming to my doorstep with the excuse that he needed to "talk". He offered to stay with me tonight, no matter how sick I was, and I didn't have the heart to decline.

Mystery smirked as he loosely fit my hand into his, fiddling with my fingers. I chuckled lightly, escaping my thoughts.

"I literally just blew my nose." I pulled my hand away from its previous position and rested it on my lap.

My head turned when the warmth on my shoulder was quickly replaced with a cold absence. My attention averted to see Mystery shuffling into the pocket of his black jeans, pulling out a small container of hand sanitizer as I reached my hand underneath. He squeezed the bottle and the substance grazed my clammy palm before I started to rub it on both hands. "Thank you." Gently smiling, I refused to make eye contact, assuming he was already staring my way.

"Why so shy, (Name)?" He traced his fingers along my jawline, directing my eyes to meet his. Green and blue, they were entrancing. The clear lights from my Christmas tree caught reflection in Mystery's rimless eyeglasses. The unsteady rhythm inside my chest wouldn't quiet down. "What are you feeling right now, Ms. (Last Name)?" My face burned warmer than before as he attractively 'recited' the question I was taught to ask in our therapy sessions.

"Honestly, a little shaky." I attempted to look elsewhere than his deep eyes. His breath brushed upon my lips as he leaned forward. And damn it, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist this situation. My throat burned with a sting and my career regulations yelled in my brain. My body was tempted to shiver, but I clenched my teeth in hopes it wouldn't. I heard a vibration on my kitchen counter, it was my phone.

"Pretend it's not there." Mystery's voice was sultry and persuasive, promoting to feel as if this moment could continue on without any interruptions. His fingers inched my face closer to his. "Pretend the room is quiet. It's just you and I, like our sessions." Shoot, why was he like this? It was almost routine for Mystery to attempt a deeper relationship with me. With flirtatious remarks and constant physical contact. Freaking cat, I couldn't lie and say I didn't enjoy the moments in which he'd do something like this. "Don't you enjoy those, (Name)? I surely do." His half-lidded eyes were fixated on me. The room was quiet now, the only sound being our breathing patterns. My phone began to ring again.

"Shoot." I closed my eyes in annoyance, an awkward smile crept upon my face. "Mystery, I have to get this." I quickly reached my feet to the cold stone floor, standing up while my hand was held on my head. It heavily ached from the coughing and sneezing and the pressure that was accompanied with it.

I walked over to the kitchen, flipped the light switch, and made my way towards the marbled counter, now holding my phone to my ear to answer the call. "Hello?" There was nothing. "Hello?" Yet, again, there wasn't a single sound on the other end. With that, I released a frustrated sigh and ended the useless call. I walked back my previous comfort spot to see Mystery fidgeting with the small sanitizer container between his fingers. I slouched myself on the couch, I felt Mystery pull me closer by my waist while my eyes just stared at the wall across the room.

"Who called you?" His voice sounded a bit defensive, a rhythm of tone I've heard before.

"Ugh," I groaned as I rubbed my face. "I don't know, they probably got the wrong number or something." My assumption was that a question was in favor anytime soon.

"Did you want it?" His eyes turned my direction. I figured it he was just playing with my emotions. Of course, I knew what he was talking about, the kiss. In most cases, I wouldn't have let it slide this far. But I wanted it. It was against my career, against his position as my client, but damn, did I want it.

"Yeah, I, uh- I did." I chuckled nervously, an attempt to lighten Mystery's mood.

"Were you scared, my sweet (Name)?" His lips formed into a smirk. I was confused as heck, I didn't even know where he was heading with this anymore.

"What? I wasn't scared."

"No, you were scared." The comment was a bit odd, and I didn't know why he was persistent with the subject.

"No, I wasn't." My temper was running a bit thin, my mind's lack of idea of what was going on.

"You were." My mouth was slightly parted, as I scoffed softly. I was becoming utterly confused.

"Prove it." He faced me with those half-lidded eyes like before. My mind was screaming at the idea. "Let me kiss you, (Name)." My face turned multiple shades of red, while a breathy chuckle escaped my lips.

"What?" I masked a smile, concealing my nervous emotions.

"Let me kiss you." His body didn't move an inch, but the smirk laced on his face grew half an inch wider.

"But I, uh-" I coughed out a stutter.

"I don't care if you're sick or what other people think." Mystery's hand cupped a side of my face gently, looking at me with a soft expression. "I want you." His voice was breathy and light, almost a whisper. I caught his vision capturing sight of my lips, as I began to do the same. "I want you to want me, too." Mystery leaned in, now delicately paving his lower lip against mine as our eyes closed lightly. His hand remained to cup my face, as we gradually reached in to meet each other lips. Mystery's kissing me. I couldn't process anything, but, frankly, I didn't wish to overthink at this moment. Mystery repeatedly pulled away as an attempt to almost tease me, and he was successful, as I would continuously lean back in for another kiss. My hand rested on his chest, it could feel his thick fur beneath his rose-colored tie, dropping upon his white collar shirt. "Are you still scared?" Mystery playfully mocked my earlier actions between a few other pecks. I drew our faces a few inches apart and chuckled while looking down bashfully.

"I was never scared." My eyes rose to meet his, the bottom half translucently overlaid by his eyeglasses, his face surprisingly flustered. Mystery raked his fingers through the back of my hair, inching our faces close once again. I closed my eyes peacefully as he smoothed my lips with his, I could feel his body smiling in satisfaction.

"A little shaky, though. Am I correct?" I tasted each word's syllable on my lips, accompanied by his breath. I stifled a chuckle and kissed Mystery once more.

"A little, yeah." He pressed his warm lips onto mine and embraced my body tightly. And to recognize, I'm still running a fever. Freaking cat.


A/N: Yeah, much cringe. LOL. Please bare with this, I started writing this almost two weeks ago, and just finished it now. Ugh. I really hope you enjoyed this...? IDK. Stay in school, kids. Don't fall in love with your therapist, please. LOL.

The image featured in this chapter is a phone wallpaper I made. Yeah, I tend to make an excessive amount of Mystery wallpaper. I really need help. BTW, the photos don't belong to me, I only layered and personalized them to my liking.

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