Rex X Reader

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"What does this moment feel like to you?" Another piece of grass is plucked by my fingers as I stare at the blue sky, the orange sun shading an evening tint. Rex doesn't look at me.
"I don't know." All he does is keep his hands cupped under his elbows. "It feels relaxing though. I don't get that as much as I want to." He mumbles with a smile plastered on his face.
"Mmm." I trudge my body closer to Rex's leaning frame and snuggle in his jacket's thick material, breathing his scent- subtle cologne and spring time sweat. I found it attractive, the combination. "Attractive."
"What was that?" He asked.
"Attractive." My lips creased upwards while my fingers rubbed his padded palms. "I'm trying to describe the moment. Now, you try." He took a breath and sighed, I felt his chest slowly rise up and down. His fangs softly nibbled at his bottom lip as he thought momentarily.
"Sepia." He opened those eyes of seafoam green and rested them on me. "I don't know. Maybe it's the sun, but it just feels that way." My hair brushed in my face as I began to chuckle lightly.
"Sepia, was it?" I layed my index finger on my chin, my eyes squinted from the bright evening light. "I..." His brows plunked humorously as he waited for my opinion. "I like it. It works."
"Thank you."
"Mmm-hmm." I lean to my right, where my olive green satchel is, and begin to shuffle through my belongings. With my patterned journal resting on my lap, I give Rex a pen and keep one for myself.

March 9th, 2019

1) Attractive
2) Sepia

"There." Rex only watches me glide my ballpoint pen across the lined paper with a curious expression. "Once you think of a word, write it down." His lips parted with words barely escaping until the skin of my warm fingertip pressed on his cold lips. "They won't be logical, none of that. They'll be heartfelt. It's what I'm striving for." I wink softly, knowing the organizated person Rex is.
"Right..." I supposed his mind was still processing my concept. "Give me another one." I chuckled and inhaled the scenery- loose grass, warm breeze, and the attractive smell of springtime sweat.
"Two-thousand-six." Rex's bushy brows furrowed softly in confusion.
"Is there a significance?"
"There is." I said, almost heavily. "But I can't put my finger on it yet." I released a sigh and bit my lip with little frustration. "It's killing me." 2006. What did it mean? It came into my memory without invitation. I don't remember what happened that year. With one last dull hitch in my chest, I tightened my eyelids closed and composed myself to a presentable state with my eyes open. "Try another one." I smiled innocently as the black ink scribbled across the lined page.

March 9th, 2019

It feels...
1) Attractive
2) Sepia
3) 2006

Again, his eyes scrolled through the environment's features. There was a small puddle of rainwater held in a grassy trench, white petaled flowers bunched in the soft corners.
"Rainwater. It smells like Thursday's rain shower." Of course. Rex was one of the only people I knew that actually enjoyed spring showers. He was outside Thursday, the tips of his crimson fur dotted with raindrops. He looked so beautiful in the rain. I smiled and giggled to myself in a light manner.
"I like that." As he wrote it down, I couldn't help but become fascinated by his handwriting. Thin, curvy, laced lines. "You have such beautiful handwriting, Rex." He chuckled nervously and clicked his pen in.
"Well, I don't know about that."
"I do."
"You're just saying that." His mouth curved softly, showing his sharp, white teeth. We shared a laugh. A very good one. It was nice and warm. "Your turn." As his frame melted on mine, his eyes relaxed on the blue sky.
My brain groped for another metaphor, simile, or something. But I couldn't. I realized this moment was to made to be lived in. And once again, I was trying to save it from growing old and dry. Every moment I was with Rex, I would analyze my surroundings so I could keep it locked in my memory forever. Try to revisit them when life got bland and lonely. I couldn't do that everyday though. Not with Rex. I love him.
His crimson fur trailed with mocha brown strips, seafoam green eyes that could soften any moment, and his smile- My gosh, that boy's smile.
(Just live in the moment. It'll be okay.)
"Yes?" His nose twitched faintly once I grabbed his attention. I could feel my face turning warm and red, up to my ears.
"May I kiss you?" Not moments later, I regretted asking. I didn't move away, but my elbows were shaking with utter embarrassment.
"What?" Although, his lips wore an easy smile, he had already began scratching the back of his neck.
(Shoot! What was I thinking?)
"Sorry, that was stupid!" My shoulders tightened against my frame as Rex laughed, scooting closer by the second.
"(Name!) Hold on!" Rex curled his fingers with mine, a comforting feeling. "We're dating. You don't have to ask me, okay?" Now placing one hand in my hair, he closed his eyes and slowly inched towards my lips. "Come here, silly." I closed my eyes as well, feeling relaxed and safe in his presence. I chuckled quietly right before his lips deeply caressed mine, slowly and gently. It was beautiful. Simple. And there it was, his smile. I could read it in his kiss. As he motioned forward, I rested my hands on his neck, my fingers tangled in his hair. Moments passed, and he pulled away gently, now looking in my eyes with tilted brows. "I love you, (Name)." I smiled and planted another peck on his lips.
"I love you, too, Rex." Everything was good and simple. Neat and clean. I loved it.
"March ninth of two-thousand-nineteen feels like us. You and I." Once again, he melted his lips onto mine, making me smile with an aesthetic satisfaction.
A/N: Hi... It's kinda been a while, sorry about that. Anyway, now I'm gonna start on that Arther X Reader. LOL. I'm actually really concerned on how it might turn out, but it's fine... HEH. BYE.

SleepyKinq (X Reader!) One-Shots - COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant