Mystery X Reader

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My fingers raked anxiously through my hair as Mystery attempted to peer through the small window, his feet staggering on the off-white bricks.

"So this is legal, right?" My teeth nibbled on my bottom lip as my eyebrows arched upwards. I could feel my scalp getting warm as my palms began to grow clammy. It could've been the humidity in the stiff air tonight, but I knew it was because I'd let Mystery choose what we'd do tonight. And as of now, I was concerned as heck. Once his hands had a steady grip, he reeled his thin figure through the window's frame, a loud thud following. My expression cringed the slightest at the unexpected sound until his head peeked out with a small grunt.

"Yes, it's legal. I know one of the employees, he said it was fine as long as we don't vandalize anything." Mystery's head nodded with an easy smirk planted on his lips. "But again," I could hear him trudging something heavy near his side of the window. "No promises." A smile crept on my face as a breathy chuckle escaped my mouth, my head turning to the side in humorous disbelief. "Alright, love." He waved his hand inwards, signaling me to follow inside. "It's your turn." I groaned softly as I reached my arms towards the frame of the window and secured my grip with a struggle afterward.

"Why'd you have to pick something so physically exhausting?" A huff pushed through my lips as my legs kicked the wall, trying to raise my frame up. "You know I'm too freaking weak!" I groaned loudly with frustration as Mystery held my hand, pulling me towards him, my body now in a steady position.

"Then how do you put up with me?" His signature smirk traced upon his smooth lips, causing my eyes to somewhat widen. He chuckled lightly at my flustered response due to our faces only being inches apart and helped me inside with the assistance of the ladder to come down.

"Did you fall when you climbed inside?" I asked, both of us ascending down the steps of the cold metal ladder at a steady pace.

"One could say." Mystery mumbled under his breath as if he were too humiliated to share the fact. I laughed softly in reply as my feet struggled to find their way in the dark room. My head turned to see Mystery fiddling with different switches, the ones I assumed were for the light. "There we go." And there it was, the room was lit with hues of purple, blue, and little bits of cherry red. The room almost seemed vintage, like the 90's era.

"Wow..." In the corner was a record player in the color of amethyst, evoking a gasp from me, followed by eager tip-toeing. "Mystery! Look!"

"Hmm?" His attention was still drawn on the light switches, trying to find a way to make the room brighter.

"They got a record player!" With pure enthusiasm, I quickly stretched my hand out, waiting for him to accept my excited invitation. He slowly slid his palm to fit in mine, as he smiled gently, I did the same.

"You wanna see what music they have?" Mystery's expression tendered as he tugged my hand, leading me towards the record player, lightly covered in dust. "Seems the employees slack off quite a bit." He ran his finger across the dusty rim as I shuffled through the records, looking for one of my preference. I slid one out of the shelf and opened it carefully, the case colored in navy blue with yellow vintage fonts.

"Well, they have this one." A laugh snorted through my smile as I held it up, now opening it. 'Chordettes, Lollipop, 1958'

"Really?" He chortled at my choice while I chuckled, one of my hands lightly covering my mouth as Mystery set up the record player. "Let me see." He grabbed the record and placed it gently on the platter, then moved the tonearm onto the record, the sound filling the environment with classical music. "You had to pick this song?" We both laughed as we stared at each other, then to the record spinning in continuous circles.

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