Mystery X Anxious!Reader

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[trigger warning: themes of extreme paranoia and anxiety]

It's here, I know it is. You can practically taste the blood on your depressed tongue. There's shivers behind your neck, and for an unknown reason, your muscles feel empty and limp. It's all here. I know it is.
And after tomorrow, they'll tell you it's fine. Feed you food and drinks, but it's drugged. I know—
"What's the matter, sweet?"
"What the f—" I bit back the word in mind and pushed a hot sigh though my lips. "Don't do that!"
"You looked like you've seen a murderer." He curled a finger towards his mouth, delirious chuckles escaping. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his ridiculous doctor's coat, he leaned his body closer. "Don't keep me guessing, (Name)... What's the matter?"
My lips sealed tightly. My mouth felt sticky and moist with a foul feeling, like I've been drinking booze or something stronger.
"Nothing. I just..." As I inhaled a swift breath, I remind myself to keep my thoughts to myself. Someone like this bastard wouldn't understand. "Just felt a little odd, that's all." I forced a weak smile and continued to walk.
I needed my apartment, so much. More than I did, two minutes ago. It was the unpredictable feline standing behind me, no doubt. I hated socializing, probably to an unhealthy extent.
I pushed my yelling thoughts to the back of my brain, and just continued walking. My footsteps were the only nose I wanted to hear, but then came my panicked breathing, low thunder, and another pair of footsteps slowly trailing behind.
"You don't believe I'm fooled that easy, do you?" Mystery kept pace with me, his smirk and relaxed posture made the atmosphere seem queasy.
"Honestly, I only hoped you were." A corner of my lips stretched, half satisfied with my witty response.
"Heading home now, huh?" He asked, splitting the whistled silence. But I knew better than to tell a stranger that. He could decide to walk me there and stalk me afterwords. I stayed silent.
He's still following me, hands clasped together behind his back, eager to start a new conversation every minute. "I had a long day at work, too." He could assume. Pathetic. "Yeah," he began to add more onto his story. "I swear, one of these days that pup is gonna regret always acting so damn negative." His words barely pushed through his sharp, clenched teeth. My reaction made his shoulders hang loose as he chuckled, stiff bones and another plastic smile.
"Don't you have a family to go home to?" I asked, my throat aching from trying my best to sound polite instead of rude. "I'm almost certain with your charm, your family misses you a ton." I kept my eyes down, I didn't want to see whatever expression I brought out of him. But I only wanted to be left alone.
"That's where you'd be wrong, deary." Deary? How revolting. "I'm quite popular when it comes to friends and acquaintances, but I'm not a family man." He chuckled once again. This time it was less... Unbearable.
"Mmm." I almost bit my tongue. He must have somewhere to be. Must have.
(What if he trying to kill you?)
Oh, goodness, please. I need my apartment, my mind is going too deep.
(He's gonna grab and gag you, take you away, and cut your neck with a blade. You're gonna—)
I collapsed on my knees, the abrasive cement scraping my skin as my throat began begging for more and more air.
(...Take you away and rape you, leaving you helpless. Run or he'll grab you!)
"Please! Shut up, you fucker!"
The air tasted poisoned. Please, oh, please. I don't want to die.
He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me towards him, my legs tangled in his while my back pressed against his chest.
(He's gonna kill you, dammit!)
Hot tears ran down my face as I rubbed them harshly with my fists. Back and forth, he began to cradle me in attempted comfort, even if I struggled from his grasp in distressed paranoia.
(He'll choke you to death! That bastard, he'll CHOKE you!)
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" My voice became crazed and raspy, like a madman. I couldn't take it anymore. "Please..." My words trailed in frantic sobs as my fingers weakly clawed my face. "Shut up, you..."
"What happened?" He sounded concerned, but I couldn't answer. I didn't know what was wrong. This would've been normal, but everyday they got louder. I just wanted silence.
"I don't know." I mumbled through my trembling lips, moist from wet tears. "I want them to stop." My fingers gripped the material of his coat as my bones shivered inconsistently. "Make them stop, please."
"It's okay, I swear." He whispered with a soft rasp. "It's okay."
His frame remained next to mine empathetically. The air felt muggy and warm, like foggy breath on a glass surface. The sky began to tear with drizzles.
"I wanna go home."
"I'll walk you there, okay?"
Was that safe? At this point, I was just trying to escape my loud thoughts and voices, but what if it wasn't just them talking? What if he was actually trying to kill me? I couldn't take that chance. I couldn't.
"I don't..." My eyebrows shifted uncomfortably as my fingers held gently on my temples.
"They won't stop talking, right?"
"How did you know?" He couldn't be fimilar with my thoughts, he was laid back and easy-going. Largly differing from me.
"They start suggesting, adding their opinions, and after tomorrow, they'll try to control you." His glasses fogged up, raindrops collecting by the second. He didn't make eye-contact. He just stared at the ground, the cement dotted with rain. "I wanted to kill them." There was no emotion, except there was so much of it. "Especially when they said others wanted to kill me as well." It almost seemed all accurately described. As if someone linked our screaming thoughts. A terrifying, but comforting experience. "You'll get better, (Name). Trust me."
I nodded my head and loosened myself, receiving a safe aura from his warm breath. "Let me walk you home." He spoke inches away from my ear, now twitching lightly with a warm tone. "Please."
He stayed silent for some time, gently pressing his fingers onto my shoulders. Perhaps he didn't expect me to accept at all.
"Okay." That's all he said for the next quiet seconds as he helped me stabilize myself to stand straight. "Let's go, then."
Nodding softly, I clutched my shoulders stiffly and began to let him guide my steps. Mine much slower, of course.
Minutes passed, not a word. I suppose the patterning raindrops made up for the tranquility. Strangely, I trusted Mystery more this way. When he was soft-spoken with overflowing emotion, it made him seem attachable. I liked it.
"I'm sorry for being so indifferent." I cleared my throat afterwords. "I can be like that sometimes, and I swear it's not directly personal. I don't trust people in general, so..."
"Guess I'm lucky, then." He smiled and released a breathy chuckle. "You're letting me go this far." He swung his hand clasped in mine, mentioning us still walking this closer together. I responded with a thin smile while tucking a damp piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Thank you for everything." I didn't stare or look up. I only began to acknowledge the texture of his hand in mine. "For understanding."
"Don't mention it, dear." He gave my frame a playful push, one of recognition. "My presence is for yours."
Anxiety Hotline: 741741
Disclaimer: Please don't see this as professional treatment, this is only fiction, for entertainment. Although close loved ones are help, seek professional help.
A/N: Don't think I ever thanked you guys for 1,000 or even 2,000, so thanks so much! Honestly, I never thought I'd get this far. Thank you! Thank you for 50, 100, 900, 1,000, 2,000! This is amazing!

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