Kao X Reader

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[Trigger Warning: Mentions of self-harm]

"Let's start again." He looked at me with those eyes full of empathy. For once, I felt like I could trust someone. He sat beside me on the cold bathroom floor, I stretched my hand forward to gently grab his. The sleeve of my jacket slipped, showing the long dark scars on my wrists, only a few weeks old. I attempted to hold back a shuddering breath as my eyes filled lightly with tears.

"I'm sorry." But he didn't judge me, he only continued to look me in the eyes, even if they were clouded with salty water. I bit my lip, attempting to prevent my loud sobs from escaping. It was useless though, my cries were still so audible.

"Shh..." Kao embraced my body with a gentle squeeze while caressing my shoulder in circles. "It's gonna be okay, (Name)." He whispered softly. "We're gonna get you help." I shut my eyes tightly, causing my tears to spill rapidly while I cried on his chest for a few minutes. I couldn't understand why he was still here with me, almost everyone that discovered that I cut myself was almost disgusted. They treated me differently as if I was crazy to slip into an addiction to self-harm. I didn't deserve Kao, he only worried about my safety when he found out, but he never treated me any different. I was grateful every second I was granted with him.

"Thank you so much, Kao." My lips quivered as I spoke faintly. I slowly opened my eyes to meet his, my eyelashes wet from the fallen tears.

"Of course, (Name)." I could feel my body shaking a bit against his, and my breath was still shuddering from my outburst of emotions "Hey, it's okay. Take a deep breath." I inhaled slowly, my nose capturing Kao's scent. It was faint and... appealing. As I exhaled, I felt the slightest bit lighter than before, my upper frame still engulfed in his arms.

"Better?" His eyebrows tilted upwards while his face with sifted with a light shade of red. I nodded my head quietly in response and rested upon his chest, my cheek lying his smooth green sweater. The moment seemed comfortable, I actually felt safe.

"Kao." I interrupted the silence, our faces directed toward each other.


"It's New Year's Eve," I stated, smiling softly while grabbing my phone off the floor, the time appeared on the screen.

11:25 PM

December 31, 2018

"You wanna do anything?" Kao asked. His smile was warm and gentle and I chuckled lightly while wiping the last of my tears.

"Could we watch fireworks?"

"Of course!" An enthusiastic laugh was heard in his voice. My eyes averted to see Kao standing in front of me, his held out once again. I extended my hand without hesitation and entwined my fingers in his. He helped me off the floor by the grasp of my hand and pulled me close to him in a swift manner, our faces so close, our lips could touch. I noticed Kao's face was flustered in warmth, but neither of us moved. The air was so quiet, I could vividly hear our rattled heartbeats, the sound of the air vent humming above us. I began to scan his soft lips, they were slightly parted, his skin seemed so smooth. Wait, no. Kao's my friend, he doesn't have feelings for me.

"Um," I chuckled while looking down bashfully. "I'll start the vehicle." I looked in his eyes for one more second before walking out of the bathroom, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear in complete embarrassment.

"Yeah, I'll be out." Kao managed to cough out.

It wasn't long before the two of us shook off the awkwardness from the last incident, and began casually driving under the dark sky of stars and various fireworks.
As I drove, Kao was, of course, a child at heart, and gazed at fireworks that would appear every few seconds from the left and right. "Aren't they beautiful, (Name)?" His arm leaned on the passenger door while his eyes gently observed the sky. I responded with a breathy chuckle and small glance towards Kao.

SleepyKinq (X Reader!) One-Shots - COMPLETEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat