Child!Jeremy X Child!Reader X Child!Alfred

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The grey threaded seats were plushy, yet the scent that seeped in their material was strong and strict. It smelled like the adults conversating in the sealed chrome room. Beside (Name) were two young boys, their outfits matching class with their parents. They were her best friends, of course. Jeremy and Alfred. Their parents would often meet up for conferences like this, their managers discussing how sales were in the fashion industry, while the young children would sit idly in the room behind them, giggling in the quietest manner possible. Evoking the woman at the desk to often slide her glasses the slightest to make sure the children weren't tampering with anything.

So at this moment, Jeremy, Alfred, and (Name) were attempting the make the most out of their current situation while having to keep their voice low.

"I spy something..." Alfred hummed as his wide eyes browsed the room, his feet swinging back and forth. "Green!"

"It's that plant, isn't it?"

"Yeah." (Name) could only chuckle quietly at Jeremy and Alfred's interaction, as she began to grow a bit tired from waiting with nothing exciting to do. She scooted closer to Jeremy and rested her head on his shoulder, red sifting evenly on his cheeks.

"You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Jeremy croaked through the momentary silence.

"That game's boring," Alfred whined as he slouched further in his seat, fiddling the pen on miniature notepad his parents gave to him for entertainment.

"I wanna play." (Name) said softly with a smile on her lips. Jeremy took a second glance at Alfred, shifting his eyebrows in a persuading manner.

"Please, Alfred? It'll be fun!" He wore an easy smile, leaving no option for Alfred but to close his eyes lightly and sigh.

"Fine." He complied half-heartily, causing Jeremy's eyes lit up enthusiastically.

"Who wants to go first?" Jeremy looked at both of his friends, their faces appearing pushed back and a bit hesitant. He tapped his chin lightly in thought while humming. "(Name)! Truth or Dare!" And with that, she immediately flinched from her resting spot, giving Jeremy direct eye-contact.

"Um, Dare!" (Name) attempted to sound confident with her decision as a smile grew wide on her face.

"I hate this," Alfred muttered under his breath and groaned in disagreement while letting his shoulders drag low. Jeremy released a quick laugh at his friend's reaction, tugging at his black bow tie.

"Don't worry, we'll start with something easy." He reassured (Name) playfully and began to study the room, searching for open options. He gazed left to right until the woman at the desk caught the attention of his blue eyes. "Walk up to that lady and act like you've already been talking to her." (Name) tilted her head to the side in confusion, yet continued to smile. "You know, say something dumb and random." Jeremy chuckled lightly and pointed to the woman discreetly.

"I can do that." (Name) adjusted her position upwards while straightening the creases of her blouse with her hands as her legs began making their way to the front desk.

"That wasn't easy." Alfred retorted, his eyes on (Name)'s walking frame.

"Yes, it was!"

"Not really."

"You just need to have fun, Al. We'll be just fine." A care-free attitude directed his voice as Alfred's smile parted to release a breathy chuckle.

"I hope so."

(Name)'s feet now rested inches from the desk, her head tipped in an attempt to make contact. The middle-aged woman placed her blue pen down, breathing a heavy sigh while giving (Name) her attention.

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