Alfred X Daughter! Reader

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My feet didn't stop moving, but I was far too anxious to think if I'd be running out of breath soon. Raindrops hit my face as I stopped for a quick moment to stare at my childhood home- brown bricks, wilting flowers, and the red door I quickly stepped towards.
"Dad?" I asked in a loud, frantic voice. With the old house key, I invited myself in, my legs racing through the living room as I searched for my father. "Dad?!" My pace slowed down once I realized he wasn't home, and that I was by myself for another time. A knot clogged my throat as I walked up the stairs with tears in my eyes. "Dad?" For one last time, I repeated myself, this time in disappointment. I traced the polished oak wood that guided me up the stairs. It seems that even with him gone, the house was still in immaculate condition. Just like I had remembered it. I sniffled while harshly scrubbing the water dripping from my eyes. A sob loudly pushed through the silence as I scanned the hallway leading to my old bedroom. It hadn't changed at all. My heart lifted with gratitude when I placed my hand on the cold, silver knob. I smiled with a light chuckle while staring at the childish door decorations, returning vivid memories. Walking into my room, I released another fit of tears as my cheeks tinted red. The scent of my old body spray filled the colorful air while I hugged my body close. I gently settled my frame on my bed, layered with bright patterned covers and fluffy stuffed animals. My figure curled itself into the comforters and pillows with broken cries. I messed up, I want to back in time to where things were good. Where my dad would help me with homework and be with me. But things aren't easy anymore. I want my dad.
"(Name)?" Oh, my gosh. That's my dad's voice. My figure scurried off my bed and into his arms.
"I'm sorry. I missed you so much." My tears stained his red vest as I buried my face on his chest.
"Hey, hey, hey." His embraced my frame closely while brushing my hair with his cold fingers. "What happened, sweetie?" But I just gripped his shirt tighter with my clenched teeth and escaping sobs.
"I'm so sorry I haven't come to see you. I really am." I heard my dad release a quiet sigh, his eyes closed and ears tucked back sympathetically. "I lost my job, they fired me. I'm just so stressed." My shoulders began to shake in somber as my dad provided comfort by holding me close to him. "I have nobody." I said while crying uncontrollably. My lips quivered for each word's pronunciation. "Nobody cares about me."
"(Name), look at me." His posture crouched down to my height as he held my rosy face in his hands. My dad looked into my eyes like never before. "Don't ever say that, you hear me?" His tone was stern, but the grasp he had on my arms was loving. Immediately, I recalled how he'd discipline my siblings and I with the same tone. To be honest, it was something I thought I'd never miss. But I did. I missed everything. He grabbed my wrist with a soft squeeze and guided my hand to rest on his chest, the creases of my palm feeling the thumps of his heartbeat. "I'm here. I always will be." We both raised our faces and took a look in each other's eyes, glazed with glossy tears. "You understand?" My skin saturated as I nodded softly while my lips stretch weakly. My dad's smile was just as warm as I recalled in the corners of my busy brain.
"Thanks, Dad." The shudders in my breath stayed in my throat while my body shaked lightly. It must've been five minutes that we stayed in that position. I felt better, but the heavy thoughts and loud sobbing absorbed my energy. "Could I take a nap?" I asked, my tired eyes slouching onto my old bed.
"Of course, (Name). You're probably exhausted from all that stress." He stood up straight and paced towards the closet, toppling two more blankets onto my body now wrapped in the comforters. "You good?" I shifted my eyebrows up, smiling in recognition while lying on my side.
My dad sat next to me, the corners of his lips tilted into a soft smirk and his chestnut fur ruffled in the neatest mess. That was my dad. He never changed. Yet everything else had, including me. I closed my eyes and buried my cold, red nose into the fresh sheets.
"Get some rest, (Name)." I know I would. A sigh escaped through my dry mouth. My dad began to hum a rhythm so fimilar. It was his favorite song, one that quickly became mine too when I was young.
"Slow down, you crazy child.
You're so ambitious for a juvenile." His tune creaked through the momentary silence as he sang a quiet melody. "But then if you're so smart, then tell me-
Why are you still so afraid?" And he continued like this for another minute until I began slouch into sleep. It drifted me to memories of lullabies in the middle of the night, all because I was scared of the dark and my nightlight had stopped working. "But you know that when the truth is told
That you can get what you want or you get old." While he sang, his eyes gazed at the corners of the room, each holding memories a father could never forget. "You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through." His throat began to knot the smallest amount and nose began to sting. "When will you realize," My dry voice accompanied his for the last verse of our favorite song. "Vienna waits for you." My dad let a soft laugh loose as he looked towards me, my eyes were barely open, yet a cheeky smile was plastered on my face. His hand scrambled through my hair, tangling it in chunky knots. "You still remember, huh?" My dad's cheeks dusted with warm hues in modesty.
"How could I forget?" I replied while releasing a giggle. "You would play every time we drove in the van."
"Yeah, I remember. I think Shia got so tired of it, he stopped running errands with me." We laughed for while, and things were good.
"I love you, Dad." My lips creased into a smile as feathery chuckles spilled out. "I really do."
"I love you, too, kiddo." He planted a small kiss on my forehead and hugged me tightly once again before creaking the door closed halfway like he used to.
A/N: I definitely tried something new with this one, but I like it...? IDK. It was a journey to write, but I had a lot of fun trying out different ways of description. Hope you like too! Bye!

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