Arthur X Co-worker!Reader

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It ached bad. Really bad. His coarse palms held the sides of his head in attempt to stop the thudding convulsions. That's what felt like. Brain tissue turning inside out, clawing for escape at every angle. That's what he felt like. Twisted with confusion and stress.
Looking down at his paperwork with static-like vision, he barely caught sight of her signature.

(Name) (Last Name)

She was a fascinating creature. Kindled with a modest smile and a fair frame. They were business partners this month, and he'd surprisingly grown a liking for her. Fascinating, he thought once more.
The heavy throb traveled to his forehead, pounding to even the smallest of noises. If only he had some medication lying around, things loosen up in his headache.
He sagged his arms on the table and held his head tighter, not easing one ounce of the pain. He hated this. It made him feel weak and trampled. It'll go away soon, he thought quietly. Just a few more min-
The door slowly jarred open, releasing an ugly creaking sound. To his brain, it seemed so loud, echoed, yet far away.
"Hot dammit!" He yelled and clutched his head harder, roping his hair around his shaking fingers. His eyes closed tightly as he groaned loudly. "What the hell do you want?!"
"Are you alright, Mr. Burns?" A voice spoke with concern. Wait- it was her. Damn, he just yelled at her.
"No," his tone was low and gravelled. "I apologize for the outburst." He said. He casted a hand over his eyes, trying to block the white light that crept from outside the door.
"It's alright, Mr. Burns." Her distinctive voice placed a smile on his face, one with light enjoyment.
"For the last time, (Name), it's Arthur." His eyes meet hers for moment. Her colors were so different from the rest. Fascinating. "Yes, of course." She held a vanilla folder in her arms and placed it on the table gently. "Here are your..." Her voice trailed off slowly as groped for words. And her teeth chewed on her soft bottom lip. "...papers from this morning's meeting. You left in a hurry." Her hands held each other as she spoke. "Any reason why?"
The corner of his mouth struggled to wear a smile as his arm reached for the folder, the other in his hair. "Uh, yeah." Raspy groans escaped his mouth while he ruffled his hair and shook his head. "I got a headache earlier. It's still there." He stood silent for moment, but the throb returned. "Nothing fucking helps." He clutched his teeth and spewed a sigh.
"I've got some ibuprofen if you'd like." She waited for his response.
He looked so wasted, almost hung-over. But she figured it was just over-whelming stress and anxiety. He completed so much work and he still pushed himself to accomplish more. His kids are suffer from that, a passing thought of hers whispered.
"Um," Arthur opened his wary eyes to see his big trembling hands. "Please. That'd be great."
"Alright. I'll go get it, then."
With less to worry about, he sunk his weight further in his chair. Suddenly everything was warm. Wether it rose from comfort or anxiety, he wouldn't know. But there was something about (Name) that wasn't normal. But maybe that's because Arthur never accepted just normal. He always wanted more.
And so he waited a moment or so. Listening to the sound of her steps retreating, and then returning.
"Let me just take a look at the dosage..." Her crystal eyes trailed left and right for the medical details as she rested a glass of water on his desk. "Here." She twisted the white top with a pop and spilled two tablets onto the cap. "Take two with water.
Tilting the water glass towards himself, he took two tablets with a gulp of water. "Thank you." He wiped the corner of his mouth with a harsh rub of his sleeve. "You didn't have to."
"I know." She replied quickly and softly with a humble smile. "But you can thank me when you're feeling better." They shared a chuckle in his dimly-lit office.
"I'll remember that." He found his teeth nipping at the skin of his chapped lip. A habit he carried when something caught his approval. He scanned her physical traits once more. Different, yet fascinating. Along with her personality. Different, yet fascinating.
"Well," She rubbed her wrist, almost anxiously. "If there's nothing else, I'll be going."
"Don't go, please."
He grabbed her hand, his cold fingertips against her skin. Her body twitched faintly and her face surfaced shades of red.
"Stay." He begged with a raspy trail, making her fingers melt into his.
"Um." She bit her lip to prevent quivers, and then sighed heavily. "Yeah, I'll stay." Suddenly, her thoughts and words escaped her memory, and she stuttered with blush covering her face and ears.
"Thank you." His office was dimly lit, the only sound being the cool air conditioning. Arthur was sitting behind his polished desk, papers stacked unevenly. "Closer, please." She jumped the slightest from the break of silence. "Don't be shy."
He craved her presence, all so suddenly. She was a new book, and he wanted to read her, actually understand her. Not necessarily sexually, but beyond the lines of just acquaintances.
She dragged the chair in front of him and sat up straight, her fingers fiddling. "Are you feeling any better, Mr.-" She cleared her throat and smiled with a nervous chuckle. "Arthur. Are feeling any better, Arthur?"
A pleasured smirk traced his lips. He was feeling better. Better than ever before. Especially with her distinctive voice pronouncing his first name.
"Much better." They both smiled, eyes tilted nicely. "Thank you, (Name)." Maybe he'd actually be able to read her after all.
A/N: Oh, my gosh, this is my shortest story! I'm so sorry! 😫 I had no idea where I was going, so here's your one-shot for the next two weeks, sorry. Also, I'm hoping to write some one-shots with more of Skrill's charters. So maybe a Lily X Male!Reader will be coming soon, IDK. It sounds stupid, but, eh.

SleepyKinq (X Reader!) One-Shots - COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن