Rex X Reader

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A dusty red ruby. That's what the sky looked like. The clouds were especially feathery this late afternoon, it almost made me feel airy as my eyes stayed on the sky. I wanted more. I wanted to watch the sky while resting in its home. My legs carried me toward my hallway bathroom at a sluggish pace. I quickly grabbed my hairbrush and attempted to tame the frizz I always seemed to have. I prepared myself to a presentable state, but with anxious cares, I paused in front of my full body mirror, observing my possibly noticeable flaws. Quickly, I waved my hand in dismissal and swiftly walked out the door and my apartment, leading me to breathe in the chilly air as my shoe clicked on the cement. My first step to the park. That's where I wanted to go. It wasn't far, it was at a convenient distance. So I began walking, my eyes constantly flickering towards the dusty ruby sky in distraction.

I made it. There weren't that many people here, yet there's was just enough to feel cozy. I rested quietly on a wooden bench as I exhaled, my eyes closed lightly in satisfaction. I was enjoying myself, this is what I wanted. Reaching into my coat's pocket, I played my music at a low volume to where only I could listen. The artist's voice kindled the environment nicely. My eyes glanced at my surroundings, there were families and a few couples, old and young. I didn't mind that I was alone, but I wouldn't mind if someone sat beside me either. My body flinched to the echoed sound of someone slamming the door to their vehicle, it wasn't in anger though, it sounded like their hand was jittery with anxiety. Shaking my head, I warped my thoughts lose and stared back at the sky. I leaned my head back, sealing my eyes closed while my ears captured the on-going moment in sound. There were footsteps, the leaves crunched with every second the steps continued. I slowly opened my eyes as I straightened my posture, it was a man walking across from me with a sketchpad in his grasp. He looked familiar, perhaps it was the way he walked shyly while his eyes avoided eye contact. I couldn't tell. Wait, we live in the same complex, that's where I've seen him. We met last week in an awkward situation at the breakfast bar, one I won't speak that clearly of. There was only enough sausage for one person, that's how I'd like to leave it.

"Rex!" My arm raised to catch his attention as he stopped in his tracks, seeming surprised that someone actually called his name. His eyes wondered until they rested on me for a short moment, he then raised his eyebrow and waved his hand awkwardly. "Care to join?" I chuckled as I pat the empty space beside me, secretly hoping he'd accept.

"No, it's okay." His tone was directed by nervous emotions, I'm sure. "I wouldn't wanna bother you." Rex's shoulders hugged close as his hands fidgeted.

"Hey, it's fine." I smiled lightly. "I'd love the company." He accepted my offer and sat next to me, then faced me shortly.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, of course." I smiled while my expression furrowed. His posture bent downwards to his sketchpad, lightly stroking his pencil in horizontal motions. "What are you drawing?" My focus remained on the dusty sky, delivering Rex some comfort in his privacy.

"I never got your name." He changed the subject abruptly.


"Yeah, you stole my sausage and never even told me your name." He chuckled while shifting his position upwards. I scoffed lightly at his remark until my eyes settled on his sudden smile, forcing me to chuckle along.

"Your sausage?" I retorted and rested my chin on my wrist, my elbow leaning on the bench's head. Rex's eyes met mine, his expression was easy, almost nonchalant, different from a few moments ago.

"Yeah, I was there first."

"Wait, no, no, no." A laugh escaped my lips as I flicked my wrist continuously in disagreement. "I was first in line, so I claimed it."

SleepyKinq (X Reader!) One-Shots - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now