Kao X Bookworm!Reader

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Thank goodness, I thought after a long wait for time to myself.

"You love him, don't you?" His arm stretched outward on the wall, cornering (y/n) to himself. She stuttered gently with a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

Battery Low 0%
Powering Off

"No. No. No. No." My complaints were muffled by shoving my face into my pillow. "Dang it! Why now?!"
"(Name)! Stop reading your fanfiction!"
"I'm not!" I retort to my roommate, who's footsteps are walking out the apartment, and I quickly rise from under my sheets. My face was red and warm with embarrassment and probably trapped heat. "Be quiet!"
The door slammed, leaving me to actually be alone, by myself. "They're still better than your life, anyway." I muttered softly under my breath. My black-screened phone was lifeless, and I was now bored as heck.
I should probably charge it, a passing thought reminded me. Somehow, it felt too exhausting. That would mean I would have to search through my room just to find it. I felt unmotivated.
The door bell rang abruptly. Which was strange because we never got visitors. Wait- Kao. Kao comes around seldomly.
I walked out of my room, towards the door, and inched to the peephole on my tiptoes. It was Kao! I wouldn't mind company, especially from someone with no habitual judgement.
"I just saw your roommate walk out." Kao waved his hands innocently, eyes closed and warm colors sifting on his face. "Wanna hang out? Maybe?" I smiled like a child and quickly unlocked the door.
"Sure! Come in!" I embraced him with comfort once we stood close enough. "Could we just stay here, though? I'm really bummed out for anything extravagant." I closed the door, my hand ruffling though my hair while the other shuffled with the lock.
"Of course!" His expression loosened up as his brows grew close. "What do you wanna do?" The room seemed stuffy, dusty almost. My mind felt tired and drouzy, I was without my fantasies, so I assumed it was that.
"Mmm. You wanna be lazy and just lay down and talk?" I smiled as we exchanged a laugh, the one we did when we became awkwardly real with each other.
"That sounds inviting, so yes, please." Kao's words escaped through chuckles.
"Thank you." My lips weakly turned with my eyebrows. I nipped a thin throw blanket, wrapping it around my shoulders as we walk towards my room.

"How's that fanfiction going?" He asked, his glossy eyes were staring through my open window. He earlier proposed to let some life in my room.
"Um." It felt unusual talking about whatever I was reading (fanfiction, if you will) to anyone, even if Kao thought it was quirky and unique. "Good. But my phone died, so..."
"Yeah." We shared another laugh and small glance, one with little to no weight. "Kao?" I turned my head to face him as he did the same.
"Do you...?" My eyes averted in the corners of my room. "Do you think I'm weird? I'm mean, for fantasizing more to this boring life?" A light gust of wind pushed light stands of hair across my face.
"(Name), when people call you weird, why don't you take as a compliment?"
"Mmm..." My lips pressed together while a hum compressed inside. "Their expressions, I guess. When they scrunch their nose up and narrow their eyes. You know how that looks?" I chuckled and loosely scrunched my nose like a pug, trying resemble my description. It wasn't long until Kao joined with a light giggle.
"Exactly! See? It's their faces." He shuffled his position, his cheek resting on his arm folded upwards. "A lot of people call you weird and all, but if they only saw your face- your expression- I promise, they'd take it all back." His lips curved into their usual smile, with something else so sweet, I couldn't put my finger on it.
"You think so?" My voice came a bit pleading and shy. Not how I actually intended.
Kao nodded in response, his vivid brown curls bouncing weightlessly.
My lids closed lazily, eyebrows tilting with a sense of pleasure and warmth. And for a small amount of time, there was a comforting silence.
"My phone's alive." He said abruptly with his small voice. "You wanna read it?" I opened my eyes, my eyelashes were almost smiling as they motioned with my eyelids.
"Yes, please." A chuckle escaped my mouth. We now lied close beside each other, our attention on his phone, he was scrolling through his gallery of apps.

Wattpad (website)

"What's it called?" He asked, almost nervously.
"Can I get it? I don't want you see!" I laughed and bit my lip as Kao handed his phone to me with an amused smile on his face.
"I'm gonna see it anyway, (Name)!"
"Okay, but not now." He and I chuckled once again. I placed the phone in his grasp with the page set on my current chapter. "Voila." Another small glance. "All of existence is right there." I watched as his eyes scrolled through the words.
"Chapter twenty-six?!" I chortled to his humourous reaction. "(Name)! When did you start reading this?!"
"Two days ago." My eyes were squinted from smiling. I didn't think sharing my hobbies with others could be this enjoyable. He began to read aloud. It was a calming sound.

"I don't..." She was suddenly stuck from reaching any words in mind. "...know. I don't know."
He should've felt in possession then. But he didn't. His mentality faltered, becoming weary with every passing second he traced along her features.
"Love me until then."

After a while, thirty minutes perhaps, Kao couldn't help but chuckle at a couple of lines he thought were a bit much. But he shrugged it off and continued to read anyway. I, on the hand, found every piece of writing amazing, an escape from my previous unmotivated mood.
"Hey, (Name)?"
"Why do you like reading so much?" We were sitting up now. Facing each other, legs crossed with the sunlight on my blankets.
"Well, I-" My expression seemed embarrassed, red cheeks, flattering lashes, a short snort to finish it. "I guess it's because it gives me something I never experienced. It's different from... You know, real life." My chipped nails began to prick at the skin of my fingers. It was a habit I couldn't get rid off. "And I probably never will."
"Who says you can't?" His hands reached for mine, peeling my habit apart, my fingers loosely curled with his. His skin was smooth and soft. Mine was dry and pricked at. I released a breathy chuckle from my lips, continuing to observe the light shake in my fingertips and the warm hold in his.
After a short while, his hands slowly traced up my arms, sending shivers down my back. I found myself leaning towards him eager and shy at the same time. "Are you okay with this?" Kao asked, his teeth groped his lip from nearly trembling.
"Yeah." My wrists now rested on shoulders while his fingers were tangled in my hair. I felt my eyelids closing with a light weight, his the same. And then my lips found the presence of his, barely touching. Not yet. "Please." I slowly rubbed my lip across his as a shuddering breath escaped him. "I want you. Please." His teeth nibbled softly on my bottom lip. So gently. Our lips were touching, rubbing, and grazing. But not kissing.
All I knew was that Kao was my friend, one I felt so safe with. Just yesterday, he helped me tremendously with my AP college assignment. And now, we're touching lips in my room, surrounded by crumpled bedsheets.
"Kiss me." I pleaded in a husky whisper. "Please, I need you." And he did. His saliva melted into mine, so warm and thick. It wasn't until our lips finally pressed that I noticed how cold mine were. We tore apart and he looked in my eyes. His color was an almond brown, one that peered into anything I've ever owned.
"You can have it all, (Name), I swear." He licked my lip and we smiled softly. So gentle. I pressed my lips against his, grazed my hand on his chest, and lied our bodies down. Mine on top of his, his underneath mine.
"Thank you, Kao." I looked down, bashful and red.
"Of course." He tilted my face to his. He kissed me and melted his tongue in my mouth, now pooling in salvia.
We agreed not to pass any boundaries, so we didn't. That would wait, Kao had said in a hushed breath after smoothing his tongue along the curve of my ear, turning my whole face to a bushing mess.
A/N: HEH HEH. Sorry not sorry. I had a lot of fun writing this, but I also felt it came off a little cringy and dramatic. IDK. I was in the mood to write something like this. I hope you like it...? Bye.

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