Chapter Ten.

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What was it with me having Shitty mornings?

I woke with a Headache, and the majority of my back was covered in sweat. Possibly because it was nearly Noon when I woke up, (Meaning it was blazing hot,) and I was wrapped in thick blankets.

In any case, so far, my day wasn't starting off great.

However, the dream I had prior to waking was still what dominated the focus of my thoughts. It was quite peculiar, and particularly confusing.

With a frown tugging at my features, I trudged off to the bathroom.

A shower was in order, before I do anything.

[Sudden General PoV.]

(Just felt like it.)

The Cloaked Girl slid through the shadows of the towering brick houses, the hem of her ebony robe teasing her ankles as she went.

It was relatively easy to avoid being seen, more so when nobody was paying attention to a black smudge flitting through the Alley's.

She had paced around her small-structured apartment, thinking solely on ways she could decode the meaning behind her dream.

Even her own mind wasn't that creative, to think up such a thing.

Her answer? To go research.

(I think there was Library's in Naruto. Not sure. Let's pretend there are.)

There was no other place to go. Except the Konoha Library. And quite frankly, she actually loved the smell of the old, and new scrolls when she first set foot inside.

It didn't take long to go through a list of keywords from her dream.

However, it was more so hard to think up keywords, rather then the easy part, which was writing them down.

• Court.

• Stone Statues.

• Stone Pillars.

• Red Carpets.

Feeling rather irritated at how short the list was, the Crimson-masked Genin released a quiet sigh. It wasn't a lot to work with, but everything was worth a shot or two.

• Courts.

Courting the right Woman..

Rules to Courting..

These titles didn't feel right. Moving on to another section, the Girl spent an unknown amount of time searching high and low, but no Scrolls that she unravelled, or Books she looked through, seemed to match any of her key words.

However, upon skimming over the last row, her attention was drawn to a Book titled:

The Golden Court.

It was perfect!

However, there was no Author, or any indication to lead me in the direction of the person who wrote it.

Immediately snatching the Book, She retreated into one of the quiet corners, the Shadows quickly swallowing her as She flipped through the pages.

One problem.

It was all in another language.

Why the hell would a Book be written in.. Whatever, be here?!

Son of a Bitch.

However, there were pictures.

One, namely, was of a Stone Throne, in which closely resembled that of he one She saw in her dream. The second, was a Twin row of Statues, their arms outstretched, the blades of their Swords pointing towards the ground, and their hands folded neatly atop the Hilt.

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