Chapter Eighteen.

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Picture is Aisu.


Cloaked in Shadow, I crouched before the Tower with Azurū by my side. One of the main thoughts that plagued my mind was: What did I do with him?

Assuring myself that everything would be alright, I scanned the area for any possible Traps, before entering the Tower.

[I don't actually remember when It looks like, so I'll make up the interior design.]

It was a decently spacious area, with a single stone staircase winding upwards to what I guessed was the Second floor.

The area was vacant of furniture, and the walls lacked any color. It was just a stone room with a sign on the far wall. Approaching it slowly with Azurū at my side, I squinted to read the small print.

[Insert the poem written on the Sign with something about the Heaven and Earth scrolls.]

A Scowl had eased onto my features as I glared at the Sign. The Hell did it mean?

I clutched both Scrolls tightly, the paper crinkling under my fingers.

My thought process was interrupted when Azurū tugged at the rolled Parchment in my left hand; the Earth Scroll. Then, he did the same with the right.

It took me about a minute to understand, and when I did, I released a soft: 'Oh!'

When I unravelled the Scrolls, a cloud of Summoning Smoke exploded throughout the room.

Before me, stood Kurō, Akarui, and Aisu's Sensei.

This was the first time I got a good look at his Features.

Bandages covered the majority of his face, all except his Onyx Eyes, which were narrowed thoughtfully upon myself, and Azurū. A mess of Platinum blonde hair swept across his forehead, giving me a shock when I realized who it looked like.

I went pale, in which wasn't visible from his view, due to my Mask and Cloak. It wasn't Him. It couldn't be.

And, it wasn't. When this man spoke, his voice was a few Octowaves deeper.

"Congradulations on passing, Akuma. Fourty Nine hours, Seventeen Minutes." His lips twitched into a smile, only visible when te bandages covering his mouth shifted slightly.

I nodded once, breathing out slowly. It was 1:17am, from what he said. It'd taken myself, and Azurū Four hours to walk here, since neither of us were in the running Condition.

"Upstairs, you'll come to a long Hallway. At the end is the Bathroom. Only Five teams have Arrived so far, excluding my Own. The Rooms which have a red X on the door's, are occupied. Each Team gets one room." He led me upstairs, and pointed to a door with 0 Chalked onto it.

"Since you don't have a team, this is your room. It's the smallest, but it's large enough for you and your... Friend. You'll stay here until all Five days are up. You technically have three days to wait." He paused, rolling his shoulders. I was glad he didn't question Azurū.

"Have fun." Saluting me with two fingers, he exploded into another Cloud of Smoke, in which I waved away with a few Half-Asses swatting motions. Opening the door slowly, I was met with a room which I estimated to be about Twelve feet per wall.

It wasn't small. It was actually quite large for one person. Well, a person and a Tiger.

I settled down against the far wall, once I closed and locked the door. Azurū was curled up at my side, his lengthy, pale blue tail covering his face.

He had fallen right asleep. How lazy.

A soft smile crossed my features, before I leaned my head back against the wall. I removed my Mask, and set it atop my Backpack which was now located to the opposite side in which my new Companion resided.

Closing my Eyes, I focused on my breathing, counting my Heartbeats until I drifted off to sleep.


Suddenly appearing in the Monochrome hallway didn't surprise me anymore. Crossing my Arms, I eyes the Crimson-haired woman, who was chewing on her Thumbnail in thought.

"Akuma." She finally cleared her throat, her identical Silver gaze shifting from the floor, to my Casual posture. "You want Answers." It was a statement, not a question. I responded with a Nod.

"Start at the Hospital. What the fuck was that?" My voice was quiet, yet my eyes were Lethal. Of course I wanted bloody Answers!

She sighed, before settling down in a colourless hair that had simply appeared out of nowhere. She gestured to a similar one behind me. When I sat, she began speaking.

"You've noticed the growing Cracks in your Bracelet, have you not?" She questioned, in which I nodded once more. "It Bind's your Energy. Or as you've come used to calling it, Chakra. It breaks every time you're going through an Emotional Over-drive. Every time it Cracks, more and more Of your Energy.. Chakra, is released. You became more powerful." She inhaled slowly, collecting her thoughts and allowing me to reply.

"More Powerful? How's that a bad thing?" I scowled, eyebrows furrowing.

"When you become more Powerful, you become more Dangerous, and more likely to be Targeted by Stronger forces seeking either to strike you down, or Harness your Power." She elaborated, and suddenly, I felt nauseous. "Most of the time, your strength will become too overwhelming. You won't be able to control when you lash out." She rubbed her forehead, frowning at nothing.

"Answer me one thing." She gestured for me to go on.

"What the hell Am I?" My voice had rose, yet not to the yelling extent. I was getting desperate for Answers. The reason to why people Feared me. Why the Villages made me into a damn Outcast. And more importantly?

Who I really was.

She straightened, gazing Soundlessly at me. She was now expressionless. "You're the Offspring between a Pure, and an Unholy Creature. You're a Hybrid, which was never meant to be Created in the first place." She Stood, turning her back to me. She was staring down the Eternal Hallway.

Suddenly, I felt cold.

A Hybrid? I was a mistake?

I could feel my Hands shaking, which followed by the rest of me. Eyes wide, I gazed wordlessly at her. She turned to me, a Mirthless smile set into her features.

Something clicked. The Similarities.

"Just what.. And who the Hell are you?" I murmured, back peddling so fast, my chair was flung backwards, and I nearly tripped over it.

Her Smile widened.

"Dear Akuma, I'm your Mother."

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